Ahoo Afsharinasab, M.Sc.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director of Toxicology
Interests: NGS Sequencing, Microarray, Genomics, and CRISPR; Cell Death, Metabolism, and Cancer; Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) and Cancer Stem Cell Group; Cancer Targets & Therapeutic Society;
Royal Society of Biology, research skills in Animal Models, Molecular Biology, Clinical Trials, Cell Culture, and Breast Cancer Research.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: (i) Group of Developmental Biology; Member – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology); (ii) Co-Group Leader – Group of Endocrinology and Cellular interactions. Signal Transduction and Apoptosis in Early Mouse Embryo Development and Developmental Biology; (iii) Application of the Model of Embryonic Stem cells;
Affiliation(s): External institutions and positions – Present: 'Toxicologist, Fellow Member at the Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society (IrEMS) (From April 2013 to date}
External institutions and positions – Past :
(1) Since April 2023: position of Toxicologist in the Shayagostar Company, in Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
(2) December 2021 to July 2023: Editorial Board Member, of the TMR Publishing Group HQ in New Zealand. TMR is an Open access and peer reviewed journal publishing a wide
(3) April 2013 to July 2023: Toxicologist Fellow, in the Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society in Tehran Province, Iran
(4) August 2012 - August 2016:Associate Researcher in the Pasteur Institute of Iran, acquiring research skills in
(5) From June 2017 to August 2022 she held positions of Product Marketing Analyst, Product Manager and Medical Representative in some leading Pharmaceutical Corporations in Iran.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: NA
Email: NA
Skype address: NA
Educational Institutions, (degrees etc.):
(1) Masters (M.Sc.) degree in Toxicology from the Islamic Azad University , Department of Pharmacology (2015) Her Thesis subject was : Evaluation of anti-cancer activity of new COX-2 inhibitors in an in vivo model of breast cancer. She successfully defended and obtained the max mark (20/20) for her defense.
(2) Bachelors (B.S.) degree in Biology/Biological Sciences by Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, (2010)
(3) Masters of Administration (MBA) (2020 to 2022) in Management (MBA (M) at the University of Tehran (2020)
(4) Specialty Marketing. In 2022, at Payame Noor University, in Tehran, Iran in Human Resources Management/Personnel Management (MBA
- General).
Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab, MS is currently a 'Toxicologist, Fellow Member at the Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society (IrEMS) in the Tehran Province of Iran. She shares many scientific, civic and societal interests with Board Members of the LSINJ. In fact, the concordance between the Scientific and Social/Civic convictions of MS, Afsharinasab is reflected in the lives of some of the greatest scientists in History. Those whom the LSINJ draws on for guidance and inspiration ( > Landing Page: Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Barbara McClintock,J. Robert Oppenheimer, Andrei Sakharov).
The conviction and passion for her field in Science is abundantly clear in the work and writings of MS, Afsharinasab. However, there is another even more significant reinforcement that emerged during our pre-nomination communications. One which we are now at liberty to share. MS, Afsharinasab requested some reasonable information and then reiterated her intent to submit her nomination in her own words:
'Thank you for your reply.
I am interested in cooperation. I would like to continue my education in PHD but I think one of main goals of PHD is scientific life and do activities to development of science .
So I believe do activities in Life Sciences Institute is the best goal for me. I would like to study of Genetic Toxicology. this field assesses the effects of chemical and physical agents on the hereditary material (DNA) and on the genetic processes of living cells. I can Learn and be developed for this goal in Life Sciences Institute .'
MS, Afsharinasab’s posts on LinkedIn are interesting and informative. They are best reflected in her own words, which show how closely her interests fit with those of the core mission of the LSINJ. They are posted on her LinkedIn profile:
Ms. Afsharinasab has made substantial contributions which emerges in the more complete introduction that is submitted below.
In the meantime the profile of Ms. Afsharinasad on LinkedIn is informative:
Ms. Afsharinasab's Memberships in LinkedIn groups are informative. Those in which we share interests include (listed in interests)
Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab has a broad work history in her fields of scientific as well as administrative history:
Since April 2023 she holds the position of Toxicologist in the Shayagostar Company, in Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
From December 2021 to July 2023, she is an Editorial Board Member, of the TMR Publishing Group HQ in New Zealand TMR is an Open access and peer reviewed journal publishing a wide array of Scientific, Medical and Pharmaceutical fields
From April 2013 to July 2023 Ms. Afsharinasab holds the appointment of a Toxicologist Fellow, in the Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society in Tehran Province, Iran
From August 2012 - August 2016, she was an Associate Researcher in the Pasteur Institute of Iran, acquiring research skills in Animal Models, Molecular Biology, Clinical Trials, Cell Culture, and Breast Cancer Research.
From June 2017 to August 2022 she held positions of Product Marketing Analyst, Product Manager and Medical Representative in some leading Pharmaceutical Corporations in Iran.
The diversity of the 4 articles and 2 conference publications of Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab in experimental research Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab are equally impressive.
(1) They are interestingly led by the fictional 'Unfinished Dream Book' published in OmidSkhan Publications on June 10, 2021. In addition her publications include:
(2) Erratum to" Nanotechnology in Wound Healing; Semisolid Dosage Forms Containing Curcumin-Ampicillin Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, in Vitro, Ex Vivo and in Vivo Characteristics" Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin · Jan 1, 2021
(3) Nanotechnology in Wound Healing; Semisolid Dosage Forms Containing Curcumin-Ampicillin Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, in-Vitro, Ex-Vivo and in-Vivo Characteristics, Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin · Aug 29, 2018
(4) Two Novel Compounds with Tri-aryl Structures as Effective Anti-Breast Cancer Candidates In vivo. The Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR) · Jun 1, 2020
(5) Nanotechnology in Wound Healing; Semisolid Dosage Forms Containing Curcumin-Ampicillin Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, in-Vitro, Ex-Vivo and in-Vivo Characteristics, Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin · Aug 29, 2018
(6) In Vitro and in Vivo Assessments of Two Novel Hydrazide Compounds Against Breast Cancer as Well as Mammary Tumor Cells
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology · Apr 27, 2017
(8) Evaluation of anti-cancer activity of new COX-2 inhibitors in an in vivo model of breast Cancer
Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab characterizes herself and her interests in her own words:
'Multi potentiality Person. Healthcare services professional with a Master of Science, Focused in Toxicology. Skilled in Animal Model of Breast Cancer, In Vivo, Cell culture, Cancer Research and Biology. Fellow Member at Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society. Editorial Board Member of TMR Publishing Group. Strong Marketing Professional with a Master Focused in Business Administration from University of Tehran(MBA-Course). Experienced Professional Role For the Development of Products and Products Management at Pharmaceutical and Customer Goods Companies. Experienced Professional Exercise,(Black Belt in Shotokan karate). Experienced Professional Writing a Book(The name of book: Unfinished Dream).'
Furthermore, in keeping with a predictable resistance to historical categorizations, Ms. Afsharinasab is skilled in the Martial Arts 'Black Belt in Shotokan karate and Body Building. Both of which are traditionally masculine domains.
Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab is variably familiar with 4 languages including Persian, English, French and German. She is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of Life Science and Medical, Biotechnological, Pharmaceutical, and University settings. At least some of her interests will echo with those of Board Members of the LSINJ. Along with her shared experience in Administration, Management (MBA) pharmaceutical and scientific research settings, Ms. Afsharinasab brings experience in Field settings and applications. This is essential for implementing the core goal of the LSINJ in preempting genetic diseases and birth defects.
Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab M.S. has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Ms. Ahoo Afsharinasab, has been welcomed to the LSINJ as a BM. We look forward to a long, active and productive interaction with an ascendant trajectory for the growth of the LSINJ.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Senior Vice President (SVP) and Chief Engineering Officer (CEnO); Oversees all Engineering Projects of LSINJ
Interests: Array of Construction Management, Financial and Engineering Projects (Listed In Biosketch)
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Engineering and Construction Ralph Sherman, B.S. and Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. (Group Leader)
Affiliation(s): External: Professor & Department Head, Syed M. Ahmed, PhD, Department of Building Construction Science in the College of Building and Construction Science in the College of Architecture, Art & Design at Mississippi State University (2023 - present); Head and Professor, Lohr College of Engineering. head of the Department of Construction and Operations Management, South Dakota State University (2021 - 2023); University; Chair (2012 – 2020) and Professor, College of Engineering and Technology, East Carolina State University, Greenville, NC, USA
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: (252) 328-6958
Websites: College of Engineering and Technology;;
Detailed Information Link: (link to this detailed information hosted on FSN Google Sites)
Biosketch: Dr. Syed M. Ahmed has contributed to Teaching and Research in the fields of Construction Management and Engineering for several decades from 1989 to his current appointment at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. In 1993 Dr. Ahmed was awarded a doctorate (Ph.D.) from the Department of Civil Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. A string of appointments and responsibilities followed at Global Universities, Research Centers and Industries. Dr. Ahmed has taught and applied innovative tools and techniques in teaching university courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. These include problem-based learning, case studies and encouraging students to learn to work together effectively in groups by assigning them group projects. Dr. Ahmed has published more than 47 publications in 13 areas of his field. He has been awarded multiple grants and either served as an Editor or Reviewer of 10 Journals in the Fields of Construction Management and Engineering. All the while shaping the Public Discourse in these Fields as well as in Global Society which is dependent on these fields in his capacities as Professor, Chair, Editor, and Advocate. In his position as CEnO (Chief Engineering Officer); in the LSINJ, we hope to draw on his vast experience to direct all Engineering Projects of the LSINJ.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Kholis Audah, Ph.D.
To be updated
Kholis A. Audah, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President (Scientific Research Decisions - Asia); CPL (Chief of Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies); Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals as CPSE – DS (Chief of Public Science Education in Developing Societies); Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies) goals in meeting Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations; Director of LSINJ COVID-19 Field Operations in Indonesia
Interests: Drug Discovery from Indonesian Biodiversity, Drug Resistant Microbial Pathogens, Monitoring and Mechanism of antibacterial resistant
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Co-Group of Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliations: Director of Research and Community Service at Swiss German University, Swiss German University, Prominence Tower, Tangerang 15143, Banten, Indonesia ; Founding President of the Indonesian Society for Bioinformatics and Biodiversity (; Founder & President, the SciencePreneur
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Telephone Number: +62-21-2977 9596/9597,
Telefax Number: +62-21-2977 9598
Email: j93khol (Yahoo Messenger) ;
Websites: (Company Website);; (Blog)
Biosketch: In 2007 Dr. Kholis A. Audah was awarded his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Biochemistry from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. In 2008 Dr. Audah went onto a Postoctoral Fellowship position studying Infectious Diseases and Microbial Pathogens at the Yale University School of Medicine, in New Haven, CT. Dr. Audah, characterized and determined the function of a novel protein, FlhF, involved in flagella assembly, pathogenicity and mutation studies in P. aeruginosa (Abstract: the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Research Meeting, 2009) and the Journal of Bacteriology (Dec 21, 2012). Dr. Audah was a major contributor to the four year research grant extension (2009-2013) from the NIH, USA to his postdoctoral mentor at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Yale University School of Medicine. Since returning to his country, Indonesia, Dr. Audah has expanded his own de novo research career interests in: (i) Drug Discovery from indigenous Indonesian Biodiversity, (ii) Drug Resistant Microbial Pathogens, (iii) Monitoring and Mechanism of antibacterial resistance. He continues to promote education, sciences and research as (i) Vice Director of Research at the Swiss German University, (ii) Founding President of the Indonesian Society for Bioinformatics and Biodiversity ( and (iii) Founder and President, the SciencePreneur. We anticipate that Dr. Kholis Audah will play a prominent role in directing the LSINJ in meeting its core research and societal goals. Furthermore, in his roles as Vice President for Science - Asia and CPL (Chief of Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies), Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies and Chief of Bioinformatics and Computation (CBCM) Dr. Audah as well as personnel with similar international backgrounds in developing nations will be in a good position to coordinate the socioeconomic, civic and educational goals of the LSINJ in meeting the Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: (LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Hinal Gajjar, B. Pharm
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director of Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology; Liaison for the LSINJ with the Healthcare Industry: Research Laboratories, Centers and Departments, in Universities, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Spheres.
Interests: Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modelling and Simulation.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Group Leader: in Group of SVP Dickson A. Musa, Ph.D., VP Kholis A. Audah, Ph.D., Director Percy Ichchaporia, MS, M. Biotech, SVP Ralph Sherman, BS, Found. Pres. Dr. Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. Group for data validation, internal audits ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, monitoring and enhanced quality and clinical indicators, documentation of processes and outcomes, deliverance of presentations, and accreditation processes and protocols of the LSINJ.
Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): external institutions and positions – Current: Pharmacology and Toxicology, Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York, USA (Master of Science, September 2023 to June 2025)
Past: Sal Institute of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India (Bachelor of Pharmacy, 2016 to 2020); Star Therapeutic Pvt Ltd in Gujarat, India (August to December 2021)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Address: 126 Carlton St, Jersey City, NJ, USA 07306
Mobile Number: +1 6506619569
Skype Address: live:.cid.500290a77db49c14
Email :
Biosketch: Ms. Gajjar has wide ranging interests and is a member of several Groups on LinkedIn including:
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Percy Ichchaporia, MS (Biotech), MS (Bioinformatics, Cellular & Molecular Biology)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Senior Lecturer, Research Scientist and Director of Bioinformatics and Computational Analyses, and Biotechnology
Interests: Biotechnology Professional assisting and supporting PhD’s in Agricultural science, Bio-tech research, Bio-processing, Bio-Informatics; Mycology and Plant Pathology; Bioinformatics in Cellular and Microbial Biology in Plants and Animals
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Co-Group Leader: Co-Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): IQVIA (Mumbai, India, branch) with Headquarters in Danbury CT & Durham, NC, USA; Deakin University, Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria, Australia; University of Mumbai (Bombay)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +91 9819118629 (Mobile)
Websites: ; ;
Biotechnology and Clinical Research Professional Mr. Percy Ichchaporia has substantial educational and biomedical research roots on the subcontinent of India (and Asia) as well as the continents of North America and Australia. Since 2016, Mr. Icchaporia has been working as a Centralized Monitor (Clinical Analyst) with the IQVIA branch in Mumbai (Bombay) India. IQVIA is 'The Human Data Science Company (Hospital and Healthcare)' that is based in the United States at Danbury CT and Durham, NC. [One full term for IQVIA is: Intelligence or Information Quintilles VIA (transformative function)].
After January 2010 - Present, a period of 9 years and 9 months, Mr. Ichchaporia has also continued to maintain his scientific and academic connections with Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. His research includes Bioinformatics in Cellular and Microbial Biology in Plants and Animals.
From July 2010 - April 2016, Mr. Ichchaporia worked as an Independent Biotechnology Professional assisting and supporting PhD’s in Agricultural science, Bio-tech research, Bio-processing, Bio-Informatics in various areas. Percy’s basic education was completed at one of India's first Universities, the University of Mumbai (Bombay) which was established in 1857. Mr. Icchaporia graduated from the University of Mumbai, (1999 -2005), with a Master of Science degree (MS) and specialized in the areas of Mycology and Plant Pathology.
From 2008 - 2010 Percy proceeded to secure a Master of Biotechnology degree with Honors at Deakin University in Geelong Victoria, Australia. In the process of doing so, he assisted and supported doctoral scientists (PhD) in Agricultural science, Bio-tech research, Bio-processing, Bio-Informatics.
A more complete report on Biotechnology and clinical research Professional Mr. Percy Ichchaporia may be found on his LinkedIn profile:
Percy Ichchaporia has a broad spectrum of experience in the clinical, health and biotechnology fields. This includes bench work, scientific and administrative experience these industries. We expect him to contribute much both in tangible and in intangible ways of cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ. The LSINJ by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally situated. We look forward to working with Mr. Percy Ichchaporia.
Detailed Biosketch (to be updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Atar Singh Kushwah, Ph.D.
Name and Qualifications: Atar Singh Kushwah, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President – Molecular & Human Genetics, Virology and immunology; Epigenetic and Genetic Basis of: Chromosome and Genome Biology; Chromatin; DNA replication, recombination and repair; in homeostasis and pathological conditions such as Cancer,
Interests: Pharmaco-Epi-Genetics and Biotherapeutics ; Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Genomics, Biotechnology and the Life Sciences; Preclinical and clinical testing/investigations; Molecular & Human Genetics, Virology and immunology.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Co-Group of Group Leader Prof. Abhishek Gupta for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): Current: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York Past: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India; Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India in 2014
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +1 3342337860
Skype address: live:as_kushwah
Google scholar
Educational Institutions, (degrees etc):
· Ph.D. in Molecular & Human Genetics from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India in 2022
· Master in Molecular & Human Genetics from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India in 2014
· Bachelor in Biotechnology from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India in 2012
Dr. Atar Singh Kushwah is currently, working as Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the area of Genetic and Epigenetic alterations in genes responsible for DNA Damage and Response at Department of Urology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States.
Dr. Kushwah has extensive experience in the area of Molecular & Human Genetics, Virology and immunology. His areas of research interest are Pharmaco-epi-genetics and Therapeutics. He was credited with several awards including the Uddeepan Award 2019-20 and 2020-21, ICMR SRF, Best Paper and Poster Presentation. He was also associated with several international journals of repute as a peer reviewer and an editorial board member.
The Research Interests of Dr. Atar Singh Kushwah include: Genetic and epigenetic are fundamental phenomena that play a key role in the phenotype of the disease including cancer. Eventually, their response is influenced not only by internal and external factors but also by treatment or therapy. Alteration (genetic and epigenetic) in genes involved in genome stability and maintenance is the key issue in complex diseases. These alterations might be responsible for differential drug response and determinants of drug effectiveness and efficacy. Moreover, these alterations can be repaired by cell secretory molecules or by self-trained cell societies and these can be proteins, small RNAs, and cellular metabolites. I am interested in the extensive look at these molecules (biomarkers), proteins (therapeutic targets), and cellular metabolites (biologics) to elucidate the disease biology and their prognosis, diagnosis, and therapeutic potential.
Prior to his current position as a Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Department of Urology, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, Dr. Atar Singh Kushwah attained his university degrees and made s scientific contributions in India. He was awarded a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology and a master’s degree in Molecular & Human Genetics for his formal Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India. After receiving his master’s degree, Atar Singh Kushwah joined the Department of Clinical Research & Healthcare Innovation, Narayan Health Group, Jaipur as a Research Officer. Thereafter, Dr. Kushwah joined the Department of Molecular & Human Genetics Laboratory, in the Department of Zoology, at the University of Lucknow, Lucknow. His position was that of a senior project fellow. Dr. Attar Singh Kushwah Singh Kushwah was awarded completed my Ph.D. degree from Banaras Hindu University in the area of Molecular & Human Genetics on the title of my research entitled Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in DNA Repair Genes and their Correlation with treatment outcome in cervical cancer.
Dr. Attar Singh Kushwah is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of Medical School, Life Sciences and University settings. In addition, he has executed teaching responsibilities at several levels in these systems. At least some of his interests will echo with those of other Scientist Board Members of the LSINJ along with his similar experience in lab with other institutional Scientist (MD or PhD) Board Members. Dr. Kushwah’s bench experience with Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in DNA Repair Genes brings direct relevant experience to the core goal of the LSINJ in preempting genetic diseases and birth defects. This experience is irreplaceable for an institution such as the LSINJ. Principally due to the fact that its BM hope someday to enable the LSINJ to house its own research facilities and teams.
Dr. Atar Singh Kushwah has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Detailed Biosketch (to be updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Anthony (Tony) Lai, M.D., M.B.B.S., F.A.C.O.G.
Position and Role in LSINJ: CMO (Chief Medical Officer); Co – Group Leader: Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine; Co – Group Leader: Co – Group Leader of Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Group: Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies (International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Interests: Obstetrics and Gynecology; Reproductive Biology; Medicine
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: First Working Group: Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine consisting of John Torday, Ph.D., and Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., George Perry, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG and Liz Parrish, CEO/CMaO) (Co-Group Leaders: John Torday, Ph.D. , Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and Tony Lai, M.D., M.B.B.S. and FACOG; Second working group: Co - Leader of Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Third working group: Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Dr. Alex Diaz, Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, M.D., Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka). Fourth group of Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems; Fifth Member Group of Developmental Biology; Member – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology), Co-Group Leaders: George Perry, Ph.D., John Torday, Ph.D. & Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D.
Affiliations: South Florida Peribatal Medicine ; Baptist Hospital of Miami; and one of 53 at Kendall Regional Medical Center
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: (305) 669-9521;
Websites: ;;
Biosketch: Dr. Anthony Lai is an obstetrician-gynecologist at the South Florida Peribatal Medicine South Miami, Florida. Dr. Lai is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Baptist Hospital of Miami and Kendall Regional Medical Center. He received his medical degree from University of the West Indies Faculty of Medical Sciences and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Dr. Lai specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology who is on the frontlines of medical professionals delivering healthcare to those most likely to be afflicted by an errant ‘turn of the genetic dice’ is the Board Member of the LSINJ, most directly involved with the application of its core mission in the field. Implementation of the core mission of the LSINJ in surveilling and controlling the network of genes maintaining the human genome in real time would be heavily dependent on this societal role played by Dr. Lai. As an Obstetrician-Gynecologist as well as a Jamaican-American of Chinese Ancestry Dr. Lai not only brings front line experience and immediacy of medical care to the LSINJ but also the relevance of developing societies to some of our satellite undertakings. Furthermore, in his multiple roles as CMO (Chief Medical Officer), and member of the groups for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Public Science Education in Developing Societies) Dr. Lai brings operational relevance to this core mission of the LSINJ. Dr. Lai as well as LSINJ personnel with similar international backgrounds in developing nations will be in a good position to coordinate implementation of the socioeconomic and sociopolitical goals of the LSINJ. These include promoting the Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations.;
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Hitakshi Mahajan, B.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Assistant Director of Biotechnology and Liaison to South Asian Student Associations
Scientific Interests: (1) Food and Health; (2) Professional Scientific Health, (3) Cancer Metastasis; (4) International Workshop, University of Melbourne, Australia; (5) Introduction to Forensic Science; (6) Experimental exposure to plant biology; (7) 'Online Quiz" Biotech World,
Member of Working Group in LSINJ: Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan in First working group: Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Second working group: Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Dr. Tony Lai, M.D., Prof. Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Dt. Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Prof. Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. L and Prof. Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): external institutions and positions (listed in (1) Educational Institutions, (2) degrees and licenses:
Extracurricular and additional online coursework includes:
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 6006861464
Skype address: live:.cid.5883de31723dee0d; (
Educational Institutions, (degrees and licenses):
(1) Master of Biotechnology at Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. (M.Sc. (Biotechnology), August 23rd, 2023, to May 25th 2025 (Prospective date);
(2) B.Sc. (Biotechnology) at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (2022 - 2023)
Extracurricular and additional online coursework includes:
(1) 'Introduction to Food and Health,' Stanford University
(2) 'Introduction to Professional Scientific Health,' IIT, Kanpur
(3) 'Understanding Cancer Metastasis' Johns Hopkins University
(4) International Workshop, University of Melbourne, Australia
(5) 'Introduction to Forensic Science,' Nanyang Technical University,
(6) Summer Internship at the Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, India
(7) 'Online Quiz" Biotech World, India
Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan, B.Sc. was elected to the Board of the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey (LSINJ) on August 13th, 2024. Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan, originally from Udhampur in Jammu and Kashmir, is currently a graduate student of Biotechnology at Shoolini University in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. She is currently enrolled as a Graduate Student of Biotechnology at Shoolini University in Himachal Pradesh, India. Ms. Mahajan is mentored by VP LSINJ/Dr. Shazveen Saleem, Pharm.D., M.Phil. Biomed. Sciences, of TechMed, of TechMed Consulting and Global Consulting in Karachi, Pakistan. Ms. Mahajan expects to be awarded the Master of Science degree in Biotechnology (M. Sc. Biotechnology) by Shoolini University, in May 2025. Ms. Mahajan had completed coursework and was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, in 2023.
Ms. Mahajan has already acquired extensive scientific experience in the classroom as well as with online courses and on the laboratory bench as is elaborated below as well as in her profile on LinkedIn.
This experience has been drawn from an array of international universities and institutions. They are in geographical locations extending from South Asia, predominantly in India, to encompassing professional and scientific institutions and enterprises located in Indochina/South Asia (Singapore), North America, Australia and Europe. They are elaborated on in her Educational Background below as well as in her certifications on LinkedIn.
Ms. Mahajan has been committed to research and science, specifically based on her keen interest in Biotechnology. At Shoolini University, her primary research focus is on wastewater management and treatment. However, she considers this as an intermediary step to specializing in the fields of Genetics and Cancer Biology, where she hopes to make significant contributions.
In expanding her horizons with explorative knowledge, Ms. Mahajan has completed numerous certifications in various fields of biotechnology. This has exposed her to a spectrum of specialties with the goal of discovering a calling within the vast domain of biotechnology.
These pursuits have imparted practical experience through various internships. Notably, in an internship at the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) in Shimla, where I engaged in intensive work on potato varieties involving multiple approaches to the analyses of DNA. Currently, Ms. Mahajan is honing her skills as a Research Analyst under the guidance of Dr. Shazveen Saleem at TechMed Consulting.
The academic achievements of Ms. Mahajan were recognized with the award of a silver elite medal for her stellar performance in the NPTEL exam in Scientific Communication at IIT Kanpur.
Beyond her academic pursuits, Ms. Mahajan has a keen interest in Mandala art, watching real-life documentaries, and occasionally dancing. These hobbies provide a creative outlet and a balance to her rigorous academic schedule.
Beyond her focus on studies in scientific principles and experimental research, she hopes to contribute meaningfully to society by addressing contemporary challenges. Given her dedication making this impact while promoting progress in the field of Biotechnology, is well within plausible expectations.’
Perhaps predictably Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan has acquired experience in major universities and research centers culminating in an impressive series of qualifications. They are listed on her profile in LinkedIn.
Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan has much to contribute to the LSINJ in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership with experience gained in India and the USA. The LSINJ is an institute which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
On a wider note, perhaps we can consider the necessity of ameliorating the consequences of qualifications to Global Health Research and Policies. As well as the role of the LSINJ, and in anticipation, of Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan, B.Sc.., in bringing meaningful resolution to these challenges. As part of its core mission as a nonprofit tax-exempt Private Foundation the LSINJ has identified and promoted a multi-dimensional resolution to the contradiction of much progress in healthcare with a simultaneous and counter-productive lack of application to populations and policy. All of which are exacerbated by the perpetuation of recurrence of genetic disease pathologies. We anticipate that Ms. Mahajan’s broad background and experience in science, biotechnology and education will facilitate the implementation of these objectives.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
Cosmas Mugambi, DDS, M.Sc., M.A. Ph.D.
Positions and Role in LSINJ:
Senior Vice President (Medical, Dental, Surgical and Implementation Science Research Decisions - Africa);
Senior Vice President of Liaison of LSINJ with International Consortiums, Universities, Agencies, Health and Agricultural Centers: (A) Northern Pacific Global Health (NPGH) Research Fellows Training Consortium Developing Societies of Africa); (B) Universities of Washington, Hawaii, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota; with (C) International partnerships in Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda, Ghana, Liberia, Peru, Thailand, Nepal and India); (D) Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) United States of America (USA); (E) African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); (F) 2009 to Date: Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM).
Interests: Global Health Leadership; Program Management; Knowledge Management; Implementation Research and Clinical Trials; Research Capacity Strengthening; Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEAL); Emergency Response; Humanitarian Development; Health Systems Strengthening; Policy Development, Analysis and Advocacy
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Group Leader for Medical, Dental Surgical and Implementation Science Research Decisions - Africa); Co-Group Leader for Education, Health Services and Agriculture in Developing Societies consisting of Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D., Asmaa Rabit, MD (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Morocco and Nigeria); Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals as CPSE – DS (Chief of Public Science Education in Developing Societies, Africa, Nigeria & Morocco); Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies of Africa with Asmaa Rabit, MD) goals in meeting Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations of Africa (based in Morocco and Nigeria).
Affiliation(s): external institutions and positions
2021 to Date: Northern Pacific Global Health (NPGH) Research Fellows Training Consortium (Universities of Washington, Hawaii, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota; with international partnerships in Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda, Ghana, Liberia, Peru, Thailand, Nepal, and India).
2021 to Date: Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) United States of America (USA).
2016 to Date: African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC).
2009 to Date: Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM).
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +254721297963
Skype address: cosmgambi1
Educational Institutions, (degrees etc.):
2007-Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)-University of Nairobi, Kenya
2012-MSc. Research Methods-JKUAT
2017-M.A. Humanitarian Development & International Cooperation- HASC-Proyecto Kalu, Spain
2017-Ph.D. Implementation Science-University of Nairobi
2022-Post Doctoral Fellowship in Global Health-University of Washington
Cosmas Mugambi, DDS, M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D. is a meticulous health systems and programs management, research and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) professional with 17 years of experience in health facilities, health administration, consulting (research and MEAL), capacity building, fundraising, policy development and analysis and advocacy. He is keen on driving systematic change across organizations and programs by providing strategic direction, technical leadership, and executive oversight.
His background, experience, and education in multiple fields of Public Health Sciences, Agriculture and Dental Surgery, Climate
Science and Governance as well as their applications and implementation are comprehensive and impressive.
Dr. Mugambi currently works in 2 organizations. They are:
The 'MoH Kenya, as the Knowledge Management Lead, Jan 2023 - Present · 1 year 1 month'
'The HSED Group Africa, (Part-time, Hybrid, as the Research & MEAL Consultant, The HSED Group operating in 14 African Countries, Apr 2007 - Present · 16 years 10 months.' Dr. Cosmas Mugambi has completed his education in a range of fields in a total of 25 universities, governance modes, research institutions, administrative and civic service organizations.
He was awarded his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in 'Implementation Science at the University of Nairobi' in Kenya.
His Postdoctoral Work was done at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, USA, from July 2021 - June 2022. He was funded by a fellowship from the NPGH Fogarty Global Health Fellows program.
Dr. Cosmas Mugambi has made an impressive list of contributions in approximately 25 educational, administrative, governmental and NGO (African and Kenyan), organizations and institutions.
Cosmas Mugambi was awarded his Master’s Degree (M. Sc.) for his work in 'Research Methods [Statistics, Quantitative & Qualitative Research & MEAL]. He did this work at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Nairobi, Kenya. He was awarded a second Master's degree (M.A.) for his work in Humanitarian Development and International Cooperation. It was awarded by the 'Centre détudes sur| Aide Humanitaire-'
Dr. Cosmas Mugambi was awarded his bachelor’s degree in dental surgery (BDS) by the University of Nairobi, Kenya.,
Dr. Mugambi has done Postgraduate work at a number of International, US and African universities, institutions and organizations. His work secured awards and certificates in a number of fields and reinforced his background in Healthcare. They include Epidemiology, Policy Development, Strategic Leadership and Development, Accountancy, Strategic Leadership and Development, Governance and Health, Procurement and Supply Chain Management, MEASURE evaluation of Data Quality Health Financing Policy, ICH Good Clinical Practice and Advanced Security and Basic Security in the Field and Human Health & Climate Change and Sustainable Financing in Climate Change
Dr. Mugambi attained this range of experience at a wide spectrum of organizations, universities, research institutions
and governmental organizations. Including the University of Nairobi, the University of Washington, the University of Michigan, Kenya School of Government, World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), The US Agency for International Development (USAID), The United Nations Department for Safety and Security and the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Details of his accomplishments and contributions to international well fare found on his LinkedIn profile:
On a wider note perhaps we can consider some necessity of ameliorating the consequences of qualifications to Global Health Research and Implementation Policies. As well as the role of the LSINJ, and in anticipation that of Dr. Cosmas Mugambi, in bringing meaningful resolution to this matter. One that is of unparalleled significance to the Public Interest. All the power of high resolution, precision, and content of contemporary methods, when applied in exclusion to evolutionary methods, is contextually and mechanistically qualified - if not irrelevant. The LSINJ has identified and promoted a resolution to this contradiction through its core mission of preempting genetic diseases and birth defects with an approach that is integrative, namely CA RTO based control of the Mutome. Initiation of this undertaking is of necessity restricted to a few well-established fields in the Life, Physical and Computational Sciences but eventually is likely to include all available fields as resources. Although, with the approach of the LSINJ, the analytical power of contemporary methods does have a significant and complementary role to be played in bringing relevance to basic research in healthcare. However, approximately 150 years since the articulation of a relevant and necessary principle of evolutionary genetics, the absence of integration of these indispensable and complementary approaches is revelatory. It reveals limitations of traditional trajectories in medicine, science, and university education.
As a corollary, the development, application, and implementation of the multiple disciplines underlying CA RTO requires the experience, expertise, applications, specific and integrative capacities of Dr. Cosmas Mugambi working with all our Senior Vice Presidents (SVP) and Board Members.
Dr. Cosmas Mugambi, PhD has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership with experience gained in 14 African nations and the USA located on 2 continents which is of large significance for an institute such as the LSINJ. An institute which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated) (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Ferez Soli Nallaseth, M.S., Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Founding President, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), Chief Financial Office (CFO) & Principal Donor; Group Leader – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis; Reproductive Biology; Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology); Focus on mouse Y chromosome biology; Co-Group Leader of Group on Developmental Biology and Reproductive Biology; Member of multiple groups projecting ancillary missions of the LSINJ.
Interests: Life Sciences: Core Areas: Evolutionary Genetics of Speciation inducing dysfunctional regulation of Chromosome and Genome Biology; DNA recombination; DNA replication; Sex Determination; Speciation; Ancillary Areas: Neurophysiological and molecular basis of anoxia resistance in turtle brains; Structure/function and expression of Proteins from heterologous hosts; Multi-cue induction of skin morphogenesis in vitro; Overview in Life Sciences: Genetics (Somatic Cell, Mitochondrial, Yeast and Mouse (Epigenetics), Biochemistry and {Molecular, Stem/Cellular, Developmental, Cancer, Chromosome/Genome, Structural, Reproductive (Sex Determination and Gametogenesis) and Evolutionary (Speciation, Protein/Nucleotide Divergence)} Biology, Neurobiology, Virology and Microbiology (Microbial - Evolution, Ecology, Genetics).
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: First working group: Group on Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine (John Torday, Ph.D., George Perry, Ph.D.; Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG and Liz Parrish); Second working group: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis John Torday, Ph.D. & Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and George Perry, Ph.D. and Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG (Co-Group Leaders: John Torday, Ph.D. and Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D.); Third working group: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis; Reproductive Biology; for Neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology and Psychology, Thermodynamics of Neural Functions under Hypoxic Conditions, Stroke and Ischemia in Anoxia Tolerant Turtle brains, Mutational Basis of Brain Cancers and Neurodegenerative Diseases consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., MD, M.B.B.S., FACO, Adam Bogart, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., and Ferez Nallaseth, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leaders – George Perry, Ph.D. and Adam Bogart, Ph.D.). Fourth working group: consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Dr. Alex Diaz, Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka)
Affiliations: Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey, Belle Mead, NJ; Complex Biological Systems Alliance, (Boston, MA; inaugurated at Harvard University by Founding President Prof. Tom Chittenden, Ph.D.); Chamberlain College of Nursing, Chamberlain University, New Brunswick, NJ
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: (908) 431 5069 (LSINJ); (646) 283 5163 (M & WhatsApp); ferez.nallaseth (Skype); FerezNallaseth@LifeSciencesInstitute.Com
Websites: Scientific, Social, Squash and Professional Websites: ; C.V./selected abstracts and publications; Links to publications on PubMed; Citations on Google Scholar; Synopsis of contributions in the Life Sciences; Consolidated Citations - Ferez S. Nallaseth, M.S., PhD (PubMed, Google Scholar, Research Gate, LinkedIn, personal & SquashNexusWithNeurosciences websites) - FSN.10.22.2015.pdf; AAT.Profile1Link.FSN.9.22.2018.pdf; ConsolidatedPulsePostsLinkedIn.Ferez S.Nallaseth.6.19.2016.pdf; LSINJ - Consolidated Links to Websites.9.16.2018.pdf; Watson.RG.FSN.JW.SickleCA.1981_8.18.2014.pdf
Biosketch: Dr. Ferez Soli Nallaseth completed his educational studies in India and the United States. He was awarded, a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry (B.Sc.) from the University of Mumbai (Bombay) in 1975, India, a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology (B.S.) in 1977, and Master of Science degree in Microbiology (M.S.) in 1979 both from the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, in 1979. He was awarded a Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree in Biology (Genetics, Biochemistry) from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, in 1987. Ferez held a number of Postdoctoral Fellowship and Faculty positions across the United States in his core areas of research as well as in a broad subset of the Life Sciences. Dr. Nallaseth made some innovative and highly recognized contributions in scientific, societal, sports, civic and cultural areas. Dr. Nallaseth collaborates with international Scientists, Professors and Leaders at Universities, Global Think Tanks, Biotechnology Enterprises and Research Institutions in an array of sub-fields of the Life and Social Sciences in meeting the current challenges in Healthcare and Socioeconomics through the restructured LSINJ first established in 2004. These challenges are met by restructuring of the fundamental paradigm in Medicine, from therapeutic intervention via management to preemption in real time, of thousands of genetic disease lesions. Including those for which preemption is the only ‘real cure’ and cause such intractable pathological conditions as Cancer(s) and Alzheimer’s disease. This strategy emerged from Dr. Nallaseth’s current Core Area of Research in Mammalian Evolutionary Genetics of Speciation, regulation of Chromosome and Genome Biology (specifically DNA replication and recombination), Sex Determination and Gametogenesis. Contributions emerging from a 40 year journey by Dr. Nallaseth, made under extreme sociopolitical and non-scientific duress, have resulted in more than 200 online articles, ebook chapters, including in peer reviewed journals, conference presentations, editorials and OpEd pieces - with another 30 articles and 5 books in preparation. Many of which have corrected the literature of multiple fields published in frontline journals while covering an array of subjects in the various fields of sciences, sociopolitics, socioeconomics, sports and policy. His core work has now developed ramifications for Global Biomedical, Health and Economic Policies through the application of this approach. The magnitude of Global interest in this undertaking of the LSINJ is illustrated with the search term ‘What is the Life Sciences Institute of NJ’ yielding up to 236 million ‘hits’ on a Google Search (1) Is There a Role for an Evolutionary Genetics Based Rational Health Policy In Global Biomedical, Health and Economic Policies? Nallaseth. J. Mol Biol OMICS . v3 :, ( (2)
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Samuel Nduwayezu (Bachelor of Nursing, 3rd year)
Director of Nursing; Director of nonprofits and social enterprise Rwanda, Africa (see website links)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Board Member and Director of Nursing and nonprofit Heza initiative and social enterprise Heza egg hub which aims to improve health and well being of vulnerable mothers and children in Rwanda, Africa (see website links)
Interests: Contributing knowledge and skills to add to those already represented by the Board Members of the LSINJ to extend various missions in Africa. Nursing, Data Collection, Health and Wellness Consultant, Child Advocate, Environmental Health Safety and Small Business Consultant
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader:
Group Leader: Nonprofit, Secondary Educational and Public Health Enterprises in Rwanda, Africa; Member of Groups promoting Ancillary LSINJ goals in Public Civic and Charitable Enterprises in African Nations; Member of Group for the Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals in Public Science Education in Developing Societies of Africa including in Nigeria, Morocco and Rwanda;
Member of Group for Public Elementary Science Education in Developing Societies of Africa with (Group Leader): VP/Prof. Dickson A. Musa, and Group Members: VP Egbenoma A. Aigboeghian, VP/Dr. Asmaa Rabit, M.D. and VP David Adebayo.
External Affiliation(s): (1) University of Rwanda in Kigali City, Rwanda, Africa, and (2) nonprofit Heza initiative and social enterprise Heza egg hub.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
· Whatsap, SMS, call: +250781627648
· Email: ;
· Skye:
Educational Institutions: University of Rwanda, undergraduate student nurse, year 3
Mr. Nduwayezu (Sam) Samuel is a student at the University of Rwanda pursuing a Bachelor of Science in nursing, class of 2024. Sam is passionate about health research. He plans on applying his skills gained from college education to make a difference in health as well as in education.
Mr. Nduwayezu is also a self-motivated individual with a passion for caring and helping people. He is result-driven and comfortable working individually or as part of a team. He has experience in a variety of roles including in data collection and entry. Mr. Nduwayezu Samuel has demonstrated administrative organization, communication, and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to perform and lead a team in high-pressure environments.
Mr. Samuel Nduwayezu is acquiring the necessary experience as a Nursing student at the University of Rwanda in Kigali City, Rwanda, Africa and expects to graduate in 2023. On his profile on LinkedIn Mr. Sam Nduwayezu is listed as a Data Collector, Health and Wellness Consultant, Child Advocate, Environmental Health Safety Officer and Small Business Consultant. He is a Director of the Nursing and nonprofit Heza initiative and social enterprise Heza egg hub which aims to improve health and well being of vulnerable mothers and children in Rwanda, Africa (see website links). As a Director of the Nursing and nonprofit Heza initiative and social enterprise Heza egg hub which aims to improve the health and well being of vulnerable mothers and children in Rwanda, Africa (see website links), he is active in supporting enterprises that draw on all his experience in these areas.
The website of the Board Member and Director of Nursing and nonprofit Heza initiative and social enterprise Heza egg hub in Rwanda, is accessible through its link on LinkedIn. A description follows and excerpted below:
As a Director of Nursing and the nonprofit Heza initiative and social enterprise Heza egg hub Sam aims to improve the health and well being of vulnerable mothers and children in Rwanda, Africa (see website links) promoting the interests of rural Rwandan Secondary school students maximize their full potential through education, Healthcare, and career guidance. In education, many secondary school students in rural areas and those from economically disadvantaged families in Rwanda receive financial, career guidance and motivational assistance from various organizations. Mr. Nduwayezu as a Board Member of the LSINJ and Director of Nursing and nonprofit Heza initiative and social enterprise Heza egg hub aims to improve health and well being of vulnerable mothers and children in Rwanda, Africa
The Heza egg hub aims to improve health and well being of rural communities in Rwanda.'
The areas of educational and social expertise that Mr. Samuel brings, will complement those of some of our Board Members. Mr. Samuel is committed to diversity and collaborative approaches in the LSINJ that retain educational, scientific and societal dimensions to them.
Details of some of the contributions of Mr. Nduwayezu Samuel are available on his profile on social media:
Detailed Information Link:
Sam is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Education, Environment and Health care in university and NGO contexts. At least some of these interests will echo with those of some Board Members of the LSINJ. His experience as a Educator is valuable for an institution such as the LSINJ. Particularly since its BMs hope promote ancillary programs in educational, environmental and research facilities.
Sam has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey. These contributions are likely to be made in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located. We look forward to a productive collaboration with Sam and an expansion of the civic and ancillary goals of the LSINJ.
Detailed Biosketch: (To Be Updated: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Asmaa Rabit, (D. G. M. & D.)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director and ACMO (Assistant Chief Medical Officer); Member: Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine; Group Leader: of Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Morocco and North African Developing Societies; Group Leader: of Group for Public Science Education in Morocco and North African Developing Societies (International representation: U.S.A., Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Interests: Medical Doctor of the Faculty of Medicine Casablanca' or Doctor in General Medicine; Echographie (University of Medicine in Casablanca); Cryotherapy Treatment (kc p); Diabetology (Paris University); General Ultrasound.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: First Working Group: Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine consisting of John Torday, Ph.D., and Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., George Perry, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Liz Parrish, CEO/CMaO and Asmaa Rabit, MD) (Co-Group Leaders: John Torday, Ph.D. , Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and Tony Lai, M.D., M.B.B.S. and FACOG; Second working group: Co - Leader of Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies of Morocco and North Africa; Third working group: Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Dr. Alex Diaz, Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, M.D., Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO, Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. and Asmaa Rabit, MD); Fourth working group of Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems (Vice President, Chief of Biophysics Operations and Group Leader: Ralph Sherman, BS and Asmaa Rabit, MD).
Affiliation(s): Physician in General Practice at a Private Clinic in Casablanca, Morocco since 2011.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 00212522222510 (Work)
Detailed Information Link: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Biosketch: Dr. Asmaa Rabit has been a Physician in General Practice at a Private Clinic in Casablanca, Morocco since 2011. Dr. Asmaa Rabit was awarded her degree of ' Medical Doctor of the Faculty of Medicine Casablanca' or Doctor in General Medicine and Doctorat at 2009, and certified in Echographie from the University of Medicine in Casablanca in 2013. Her thesis investigated the effects of Cryotherapy Treatment (kc p). Dr. Rabit also specialized in Diabetology having simultaneously graduated from Paris University in 2013. She has also been certified as an expert in General Ultrasound from Paris University.
Over the years Dr. Rabit has held several positions of responsibility listed below. They include Member of Lead Panel of Medical Research English (Victoria) since 2012, Member of the World Academy of Medical Sciences (WAMS) in 2014, Fellow of WAMS and Chairman of the WAMS Moroccan Committee and Member of the WAMS Academy Faculty in 2016.
You can find more on Dr. Asmaa Rabit on LinkedIn:
Dr. Asmaa Rabit would join our Physician Board Members in bringing the goals of preempting 'Genetic Diseases and Birth Defects' of the LSINJ to the front lines of medicine - in the clinics. The range of experience of Dr. Asmaa Rabit spans medical, clinical, administrative, humanistic, cultural, artistic and administrative domains. We expect that this wide range of experience of Dr. Asmaa Rabit will make significant contributions to the development of the LSINJ, especially in its activities in Medicine in Obstetrics and in the Developing World of North Africa.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
Prof. K.S. Jagganatha Rao, Distinguished Professor, FNASc, FABAP, FABS, FLS (UK), FRSB (UK), FRSC (UK), FAPAS, FTWAS
Position and Role in LSINJ: Senior Vice President (SVP) for Scientific, Medical and Educational Policy for the LSINJ; SVP for Communicating Policy and Liaising with Universities, Medical Schools, Biotechnology Enterprises and Pharmaceutical Enterprises, Governmental, and International Agencies; SVP for international collaborations, cultivation of advanced Post- graduate and Professional education through innovation, media, and growth in translational/clinical research; SVP for Biotechnology, Biomedical Informatics, and Neurodegeneration
Interests: Biotechnology; Biomedical Informatics; Systems; Neurodegeneration; Cancer; Building Universities incorporatingState of the Art Medical Sciences and Teaching Protocols
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Group Leader – Group of Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems; Co-Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in Developing Countries; Co-Group Leader on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in Developing Countries; Co-Group Leader on Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ in Developing Countries
Affiliation(s): External affiliations - current and past institutions and positions (scroll down to TITLES)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses
Phone Number: +0091 6364695771 (India)
Email: ;
Skype address: NA
Websites: (1)
Educational Institutions, (degrees etc.):
Prof. K.S. Jagganatha Rao, PhD, Distinguished Professor, FNASc, FABAP, FABS, FLS (UK), FRSB (UK), FRSC (UK), FAPAS, FTWAS
Curriculum vitae
Pro-Chancellor, Koneru Lakshmaiah Deemed to be University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
Senior Vice President and Advisor for Science, Global Listeners
Association, USA Associate Member of the Harvard Medical School and Harvard University Alumni Associations, USA (2021-present) Distinguished Emeritus Professor and Scientist, National Science System, Panama. (2010-present)
Adjunct Faculty of Biomedical Informatics UTHS, Houston, USA (2016-present)
Advisor, Minority Health Committee, UT El Paso, USA (2012-till date)
Former Director, Institute for Scientific Research and Technology Services (INDICASAT-AIP), Panama. (2010-2021)
Former Advisor, Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic Panama (2010-2014)
‘Currently I am the Pro Chancellor at KL deemed University, India, and I am involved in the transformation of the University into one with a Global model bringing innovations as its distinguishing feature and building the Brain Research Centre. In April of 2010, I was selected through an open contest, posted in the scientific journal Nature, to become the CEO, Director and Distinguished Professor of the Institute of Scientific Research and High Technology Services (INDICASAT AIP) in the Republic of Panama. My advocacy resulted in the construction of a $30 million research facility known as PRISM (Panamanian Research Institutes of Science and Medicine) completed in 2014. By prioritizing scientific performance and productivity the institute increased its number of publications and its global impact (by over 200%) to become the most productive Panamanian scientific research institute in the country. For developing countries to be successful in a globalized world of science, technology, and innovation, an aggressive model of institutional development was put to practice which included international collaborations, cultivation of advanced education for innovation, and growth in translational/clinical research. My efforts in building science as a tool for development in emerging countries are highlighted in Nature Blog, The Business Year 2016-2018, and Nature 2011. '
His vast experience and interests overlap with the many scientific, medical, civic, and societal interests of BM of the LSINJ. Prof. Jagganatha Rao has made large contributions in building universities, educational centers, biotechnological enterprises and medical schools on 2 continents. Those which emerge from his CV, his profile on LinkedIn, on Google Scholar are highly informative:
Prof. Jagganatha Rao is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Healthcare in an array of Pharmaceutical, Medical School, Biotechnological, and University settings. In addition, he has executed administrative, teaching and experimental responsibilities at several levels in these systems. Including his current position as Pro Chancellor of KL (designated to be) University in Andhra Pradesh, India. Several of his interests will echo with those of Board Members of the LSINJ. His vast experience in Medicine is shared with Physicians/Scientists (MD/PhD) Board Members. Prof. Jagganatha Rao brings Medical College settings and applications. Beyond which it is the vast spectrum of experience of Prof. Jagganatha Rao that would assist the LSINJ in meeting its goals in upholding the Public Interest. Those that have been defined by the current necessities of intractable and expanding disease frequencies and patient populations.
Approximately 150 years of a possible but uninitiated Evolutionary Genetics based and indispensable approach for preemption of genetic disease lesions exist. This has led to increased frequencies of recurrence and expansion of genetic disease states and birth defects and he core mission of the LSINJ. It graphically illustrates the limitations, despite impressive successes, of the past 150 years of traditional trajectories in medicine, science, pharmaceutical and university research, and education. Forcing the founding and advocacy of the nonprofit LSINJ. The leadership of the institute recognizes that the above traditional trajectories do have a significant and complementary role to be played in Healthcare. We anticipate that a Physician/Scientist with the depth and scope of experience and stature of Prof. Jagganatha Rao will play a key role in bridging this chasm between traditional immediate interests and those represented by longer term public interests upheld by the LSINJ.
The above wide spectrum of experience of Prof. Rao Jagganatha from the highest levels of university building to experience in the Lab as a Scientist, Manager, and an experimental Biologist either working on or sharing interests in Neurodegeneration, Systems, Genomics and Genetics complement those of other Board Members. The breadth and depth of this experience of Prof. Jagganatha Rao is irreplaceable for an institution such as the LSINJ. Particularly, as its BM hope someday to enable the LSINJ to house its own research facilities and teams.
Professor Jagganatha Rao as a Scientist/Physician/ Leader has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey (LSINJ) in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include his cross-cultural leadership with experience gained in 4 nations and on 4 continents which is of large significance for an institute such as the LSINJ. An institute which by definition, not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located. Board Members of the LSINJ look forward to a long, active and productive interaction with Prof. Rao Jagganatha in an ascendant trajectory for the growth of the institute.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
Shazveen Saleem, Pharm.D., M.Phil Biomedical Sciences
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President For Data Analyis Pharmaceutical and Clinical Sciences
Scientific Interests: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Genomics, Pharmacology, Data Analysis, Clinical Trials, Health-Tech
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: First working group: Co - Leader of Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Second working group: Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, M.D., Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. L and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): External: Present: Global Action Alliance Inc. (October 2022 – present); Previous: The Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan (December 2021 to February 2023); Iqra University in Karachi, Pakistan (November 2020 to November 2021); Dawaai.Pk and Ziauddin Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan; Community Pharmacy, Karimabad, Karachi.
Dr. Shazveen Saleem has extensive experience in educational and biomedical research. spanning an array of international universities and institutions. They are in geographical locations extending from South Asia, predominantly in Pakistan, to encompassing professional enterprises within North America. Her extensive background in clinical project management, research coordination, and pharmaceutical practice reflects a robust career committed to advancing healthcare and biotechnology.
Professional Experience:
Since October 2022, Shazveen has been serving as the Clinical and Collaborations Lead and Project Manager for Global Action Alliance Inc., a healthcare-focused organization based in the United States, operating remotely. In this role, she manages several key projects such as: J-Labs WISER, PIVI, CDC, and ABL Wiser, ensuring the timely achievement of project targets. Her responsibilities include sourcing and organizing clinical trial and Burden of Disease data from various open-source and country-specific registries, assisting in tech transfer initiatives, and liaising with stakeholders to improve healthcare access in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC).
From December 2021 to February 2023, she was a Research Coordinator in Biological and Biomedical Sciences at The Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan. Here, she conducted biomedical science labs for undergraduate medical students, trained and supported students in Molecular Biology and Pharmacology research, and assisted faculty in research project design and implementation.
From November 2020 to November 2021, Shazveen worked as a Lab Demonstrator at Iqra University in Karachi, Pakistan, where she conducted lab sessions for Pharmaceutical sciences students and prepared academic dossiers and manuscripts for the department.
Ms Shazveen Saleem also has experience as a Trainee Pharmacist at Dawaai.Pk and Ziauddin Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, where she contributed to inventory management, customer service, and patient counseling. Additionally, she volunteered at a community pharmacy in Karimabad, Karachi, where she dispensed medicines and addressed patient queries.
Dr. Saleem has worked in senior positions at established Biomedical and Pharmacological Institutions, Medical Colleges, Research Centers and Universities in the USA and in Pakistan. Her impressive profile can be accessed via LinkedIn:
An extensive list of Dr. Saleem's experiences can be accessed through this link:
Ms Shazveen Saleem completed her foundational education in Pharmaceutical sciences, further advancing his knowledge and skills through various professional roles. Her commitment to continuous learning and professional development has equipped her with a broad spectrum of expertise in clinical, health, and biotechnology fields, encompassing both scientific and administrative capacities.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +923343116082
Skype address: Shazveen Saleem
Website Profiles:;;
Educational Institutions,
Pharm.D., Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan (2015- 2019)
M.Phil, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, The Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan (2023-2024)
Future Endeavors
On a wider note, perhaps we can consider the necessity of ameliorating the consequences of qualifications to Global Health Research and Policies. As well as the role of the LSINJ, and in anticipation, of Dr. Shazveen Saleem, Pharm. D., M. Phil., in bringing meaningful resolution to them. As part of its core mission as a nonprofit tax-exempt Private Foundation the LSINJ has identified and promoted a multi-dimensional resolution to the contradiction of much progress in healthcare with a simultaneous lack of application to populations and policy. All of which are exacerbated by the perpetuation of recurrence of genetic disease states. We anticipate that Dr. Saleem’s broad background and experience in science, phatrmacology, education and healthcare will facilitate the implementation these objectives.
Dr. Shazveen Saleem has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership with experience gained in India and the USA located on 2 continents which is of large significance for an institute such as the LSINJ. An institute which by definition, not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Detailed Information Link: (to be updated)
Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah, FDHMC, CCH, BHMS
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director Homeopathic Medicine and Outreach to the Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Content Writing
Homeopathic Medicine; Health and eCom brands, email marketing, Direct Response Copywriter, Health Content Writer
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Co-Group Leader of LSINJ Communications as Health Content Writing; Co-Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the USA and Asia; Member Group of Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the USA and Asia; Member Group of Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ in the USA and Asia)
Affiliation(s): External institutions and positions: (Current):
Founder, Self-employed, Feb 2014 – present, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India;
(Past): TopDoctorsOnline, India, June 2015 - June 2019; Bharatiya Arogyanidhi Hospital, India, September 2011 – 2012; Sushrusha Hospital, India, April 2011 - October 2011
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +1 (905) 924-5464 (H)
Skype address: kinjal.kanani
Websites: (1)
Educational Institutions, (Medical degrees, etc): Bharatiya Arogyanidhi Hospital, IndiaIntern, September 2011 – 2012; Sushrusha Hospital, India, April 2011 - October 2011
Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah holds a medical degree (FDHMC or equivalent of MD), (CCH, Certified and Classical Homeopathy) and a Masters degree (BHMS) in Homeopathy/Homeopathic Medicine. Dr. Kanani Shah lists addresses in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India as well as in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada where she resides as locations of her various enterprises. It is best to communicate the diversity of her contributions and experience in Dr. Kanani Shah’s own words from LinkedIn:
'With a master’s degree in medical science and 7 years of experience in content writing, I understand your brand’s needs. I can help to strategize and provide a copy that is 100% well-researched and accurate but is still reader - friendly. '
Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah has worked as a Medical Doctor at various Hospitals or in the Medical Field including:
(1) TopDoctorsOnline, India
Product Manager, June 2015 - June 2019
(2) Bharatiya Arogyanidhi Hospital, India
Intern, September 2011 – 2012
(3) Sushrusha Hospital, India
April 2011 - October 2011
Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah has either founded or is currently employed at:
Founder, Self-employed
Feb 2014 – present
Mumbai, Maharashtra, Ind
(2) Queen of Thrones, Copywriter,
September 2022 - May 2023
More complete contributions Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah, CMP, FDHMP maybe found on her profile on Linkedin as well as on her personal website accessible through the links in the above section on websites.
Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of Medical School, Life Science and Medical Publications and University settings. At least some of her interests will echo with those of Board Members of the LSINJ. Along with her similar experience in the Clinic and in Medicine with those of other Physician/Scientist (MD/PhD) Board Members, Dr. Kanani Shah brings experience in Field settings and applications. This is essential for implementing the core goal of the LSINJ in preempting genetic diseases and birth defects.
Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah, CMP, FDHMC has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ which not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located. In LSINJ we look forward to working with her and drawing on the diversity of her experience.
Board Members look forward to a long, active and productive interaction with Dr. Kinjal Kanani Shah in an ascendant trajectory for the growth of the LSINJ.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
David Sherman, B.A., M.A. (in progress)
(also Bhakti Ananda Goswami, B.A.; M.A. (in progress)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Sex determination, Speciation, Advocacy for LGBTQ issues; Education; Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology; Interdisciplinary research, History of Religion, Comparative Religion and Theology; History of Religion, Comparative Religion.
Interests: Life Sciences: Core Areas: Evolutionary Genetics of Speciation inducing dysfunctional regulation of Sex Determination and Speciation; Physical Sciences: biophysics and biomedical sciences, Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology.
Member of Working Groups in LSINJ: First working group: Group on Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine (Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG and Liz Parrish), David Sherman, BA; Second working group: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis: Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and Tony Lai, M.D., M.B.B.S., FACOG (Co-Group Leaders: Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and Tony Lai, M.D., M.B.B.S.); Third working group: Neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology and Psychology; Fourth working group: consisting of Dr. Alex Diaz, Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Prof. Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka). Fifth Working Group: consisting of Prof. Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D., VP Jean Plante, VP Ralph Sherman B.S., on, History; History of Religion, Comparative Religion; Invitation for Renovation and Rehabilitation Projects; History of Ayurvedic, Unani and Traditional Medicine (Co-Group Leaders)
Affiliation(s) past and present): Marylhurst University in Lake Oswego, Oregon; Goddard Graduate School of Vermont College, Norwich University, in Norwich Vermont; Association with VP Ralph Sherman, B.S. at J. M. Richards Laboratory, Grosse Point Park, MI; Biophysics Carpenter Chemical Company, Detroit MI; Beverage Additive Medical Instrumentation Systems, Grosse Point Park, MI; Clinical Engineering Interdisciplinary Technologies, Imperial Beach, CA; Pulsed EM Fields in Chemotherapy in Chemotherapy IDTech.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 541 572 2112
Educational Institutions, (degrees etc): interdisciplinary research, including his Independent Studies South East Asian and Indian Field Study Course Contract in History of Religion, Comparative Religion and Theology. He received his B.A. Degree from the (now) Marylhurst University in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Then he did two more years of accredited post graduate master’s degree interdisciplinary research in his designed major of the History of Religion, Comparative Religion and Theology, through the External Degree Master’s Program of the Goddard Graduate School of Vermont College, Norwich University, in Norwich Vermont; Association with VP Ralph Sherman, B.S. at J. M. Richards Laboratory, Grosse Point Park, MI; Biophysics Carpenter Chemical Company, Detroit MI; Beverage Additive Medical Instrumentation Systems, Grosse Point Park, MI; Clinical Engineering Interdisciplinary Technologies, Imperial Beach, CA; Pulsed EM Fields in Chemotherapy in Chemotherapy IDTech.
Biosketch: David Sherman, as is his father Ralph Sherman, who is Vice President and Chief of Biophysics Operations of the LSINJ, has made large contributions to the Common Good or the Public Interest, on both an individual and societal level. As well as across the spectrum of Scientific, Industrial, Academic, Religious and Civic dimensions. As a Leader in the LGBTQ Community, David will make a positive contribution to the dialogue within and from the LSINJ at the contentious intersection of religion and science. Mr. David Sherman has undertaken review of the literature on scientific in the field of "Sex Differentiation and Sex Dimorphic Behavior in Vertebral Species". This review was undertaken at the request of the retired Founder of the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC), Father Albert. That project was completed in 2001, but is unpublished. As a Board Member of the LSINJ he will be supported in publishing this work.
As a Board Member of the LSINJ David Sherman will liaise with the LGBTQ Community. He will continue being an advocate for human rights and medical ethics in assisting human society to become informed by the facts of reproductive biology. As opposed to being dominated by some religious or fictitiously perfect sexual dimorphism. He hopes to apply his findings in the literature to demonstrate and convince Humankind of the high frequency of INTERSEX and natural REPRODUCTIVE SEX REVERSAL in populations and species representing all of life on Earth. These species range from microbes and plants to mammals and humans, which underscore the importance and benefit of this biological diversity. One preferred sociopolitical outcome of his effort is the elimination of societal prejudice directed against intersex people and their behavioral sub-sets who self-identify as LGBTQ.
Mr. Sherman has also conducted his own research in biophysics and biomedical sciences preparing and/or presenting them at conferences.
Some of the many contributions of David Sherman (below) range from his recognized leadership and articulation of strong public positions, some of which are even adopted by global movements in:
(i) Multiple facets of protecting and promoting Human Rights including the LGBTQ community. He has advised the committee appointed by President Barack Obama for delivering relief to the LGBTQ community, (USA White House Health Conference),
(ii) Being a Spokesperson for ‘the Organization Intersex International (O.I.I.), the World’s most influential international organization of, and for, intersex people of all kinds.’ David is an intersex person and an expert on the biology of sex differentiation and sex-linked behavior in vertebrate species,
(iii) Being a lecturer at conferences and teaching postgraduate courses at Universities/Community Colleges in the USA, such as:
(a) At Marylhurst College Field Studies in 1982,
(b) In the Marylhurst PLE Program (Course Contract) as a Lecturer On Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice in South East Asia and India,
(c) At Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, he was a co-Founder and Presenter for the academic Arcadian Institute at the Centennial World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, USA, Portland State University Global Forum as a Guest Lecturer and Workshop Leader on Gandhian Ethics and Applied Theology,
(iv) papers articulating positions on sociopolitical, spiritual, LGBTQ issues and ethics presented at conferences or global organizations such as (a) the United Nations Non-Nuclear and World Heritage Zone of Peace Declaration for the King of Nepal, (b) Catholic Bishop’s Conferences (NCBC) - on a subject that I know well (sex determination), (c) the World Hindu Organization (W.H.O.) on the commonality of on the ancient relationships between “The Family of Hindu-Buddhist Sanskrity” and the Judeo-Christian Traditions,
(v) Delivering spiritual and material relief to those e.g. members of the Intersex Community who are socio-politically excluded or even exploited in both the East and West. He did so in areas with which he closely identified such as, mentally and physically challenged Child Care Treatment and Assessment “Trainable Mentally Retarded” as well as Minor Offender’s Vocational Program
All of these items are expanded on in David Sherman’s website (link below).
To clarify David Sherman’s Indian name posted on his website, Bhakti Ananda Goswami (David M. Sherman), emerges from Eastern and Western religious convictions. Quote:
‘Bhakti Ananda Goswami (David M. Sherman) is a Practicing Catholic Hermit under private vows, and a Tridandi Sannyasi (Vedic monk) and Siksha (Instructing) Master in the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Lineage of Vaishnavism (Vishnu worship). ‘
Website: Colllected Works of Sri Bhakti Ananda Goswami, The Primal Revelations at the Heart of Civilization:
The barriers that were overcome by David Sherman are reflected in the enormity of scale and extremities of diversity, complexity of nature, magnitude of effort and of physical, societal, economic and life threatening challenges that he has faced throughout his life. Despite health problems which should have been overwhelming, David Sherman made all of the contributions and still ongoing, to the Public Interest or the Common Good listed above (i to v).
Bhakti Ananda Goswami (David M. Sherman) has overcome much and stayed true to convictions of both a religious and scientific nature – two disciplines that are a contradiction in terms and hard to resolve. In one of many ways, the first requires cultivating belief while the second requires cultivating disbelief. They are two undertakings that are equally difficult to reconcile and yet David, like his father Ralph Sherman, has done so over a lifetime. His particular expertise in combinations of Science, Sociopolitics, Religion, Advocacy, personal and sociopolitical courage make David M. Sherman an invaluable spokesman for the cause(s) of the LSINJ. David Sherman would add much to the spectrum of diversity of Board Members in the LSINJ which is essential to meeting its primary and core goal while also accommodating and protecting the diverse and ancillary interests represented by its Board Members! In his multiple educational, administrative, philosophical and scientific roles David Sherman brings a unique combination of skills and contributions to the scientific and administrative dimensions of the LSINJ. We look forward to the continued vigor of our interactions.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated, Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Ralph Sherman, B.S.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President & Chief of Biophysics Operations; Chief of Technology Transfer Operations; Chief of Electronics Operations; Chief of Biophysics Technology Transfer - Central Nervous System (EEG) Thermodynamics; Group Leader in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Member Group on Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems
Interests: Specialties: Areas of research experience, PHARMACEUTICAL R&D; Pharmacokinetics; Excipient Biophysics; Microbial Adjuvants; MEDICAL ELECTRONICS; Clinical Engineering; Electroencephalography; Electro-oculography; Electrical Impedence; Pulsed EM fields; Sensory-Motor Cybernetics; MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY; Neuroendocrineology; Intermediate Metabolism; Network Thermodynamics; Sensory Integration Organismic Sets; Measurement Theory; Group of Evolutionary Genetics, Quantum Mechanics as a Basis for Evolution and Medical Therapies; Group of Developmental Biology; Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology);
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Working groups formed to adapt to and address the scientific and technical requirements of each of the core and ancillary areas of the LSINJ. Roles of Ralph Sherman as (Chief of Biophysics Operations); Chief of Technology Transfer Operations; Chief of Electronics Operations; Chief of Biophysics Technology Transfer - Central Nervous System (EEG) Thermodynamics; Group Leader in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Member of the Group on Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems
Affiliations (Past & Present): Sherman Laboratory, Detroit MI, (Bacterial Vaccines 1907-1950) ; J. M. Richards Laboratory, Grosse Point Park, MI; Biophysics Carpenter Chemical Company, Detroit MI; Beverage Additive Medical Instrumentation Systems, Grosse Point Park, MI; Clinical Engineering Interdisciplinary Technologies, Imperial Beach, CA; Pulsed EM Fields in Chemotherapy in Chemotherapy; Variously served as Chairman, President, Director, Research Director and currently as Executor of the Intellectual Property of IDTech.
Executor, Interdisciplinary Technologies, Inc. (2004 – Present)
Administrator, Saint Francis of Assisi Ecumenical Retreat (2002 – present)
Chairman, Interdisciplinary Technologies, Inc., (1987 – 2004)
Owner, J. M. Richards Laboratory, Inc. (1958 – 1973)
Owner, Carpenter Chemical Company (1969 – 1972)
Sergeant, US Army Chemical Warfare Service (1944 – 1945)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: 541-572-2112 (Home);
Professional experience;;
Biosketch: Ralph Sherman probably has far greater experience derived of more fields of Biological and Physical Sciences from both industrial and research laboratories than any other Board Member of the LSINJ. Furthermore he has established and administered multiple industrial enterprises and companies. His experience directly relevant to the core goals of the LSINJ include Pharmaceutical Research and Development; Excipient Biophysics; Medical Electronics; Electrical Impedence; Pulsed EM fields; Sensory-Motor Cybernetics; Mathematical Biology; Intermediate Metabolism; Network Thermodynamics; and Sensory Integration Organismic Sets and Measurement Theory. Ralph Sherman was awarded his Bachelors of Science in Engineering - Physics by the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, MI. He specialized in the Fields of Biophysics and Spectroscopy – which are currently a focus of Live Cell Imaging and the Optical revolution in the Life Sciences. Ralph has also carried out prior studies in chemistry and microbiology at the Detroit College of Pharmacy, a year of basic science and math at Kenyon College, Ohio. He also underwent special training in Chemical Munitions in the Chemical Warfare Service, US Army. Sargent Ralph Sherman plays multiple roles in the LSINJ including as Chief of Biophysics Operations, Chief of Technology Transfer Operations, Chief of Electronics Operations, Chief of Biophysics Technology Transfer - Central Nervous System (EEG) Thermodynamics, Group Leader in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations. We anticipate that Ralph Sherman will enable us to bridge the technical and conceptual chasms existing between the necessary electronics, biophysical, electronic systems and their applications in the core as well as ancillary areas of activities of the LSINJ. We also anticipate that his experience in the activities of St. Francis of Assisi Ecumenical Retreat will advise any of the Civic, Educational and Health outreach activities of the LSINJ at home and abroad.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Shishir Singh, PhD
Position and Role in LSINJ: (1) Vice President Immune systems, Microbiome, Host - Parasite Relationships; (2) Vice President for recruiting Ciliate and plastic Chromosome /Genome Biology in Development, Immune systems under Environmental as models for mammalian systems; (3) Vice President for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
Interests: Biotherapeutics development, Host-pathogen interaction, Gut microbiome, Stem Cell Biology, Host-parasite interaction, Immunology, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology & Life Science.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: (i) Co-Group Leader – Group on NGS Sequencing, Microarray Genomics and CRISPR; (ii) Co Group Leader – Group on Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering including Director Percy Ichchaporia, SVP/Prof, Jagganath Rao and VP/Dr. Atar Singh Kushwah; (iii) Group Leader – On Host – Parasite interactions including SVP/Prof, Jagganath Rao and VP/Dr. Atar Singh Kushwah;
(iv) Group Member – Group of Endocrinology and Cellular interactions. Signal Transduction and Apoptosis in Early Mouse Embryo Development and Developmental Biology; (v) Group of Developmental Biology; Member – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology);
Affiliation(s) Present and Past: Present: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Past – Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany; Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India; Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +1-332 258 5516
Skype address: shishir1753
Websites: , ,
Educational Institutions:
· Ph.D. in Molecular Parasitology and Immunology from Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany in 2021.
· Master of Engineering in Biotechnology from Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India in 2015.
· Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology from Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India in 2013.
Biosketch: Dr. Shishir Singh is currently working as a postdoctoral research scientist in the area of novel biotherapies where he works on live therapeutics, gut microbiome, and stem cell therapy in Crohn's disease at the Department of Gastroenterology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States.
Dr. Singh has experience in molecular biology, immunology, molecular parasitology, genetic engineering, host-pathogen interaction, and Microbiology. He received an international scholarship named DAAD PhD fellowship in 2016 for his PhD education at the University of Freiburg in Germany. He was credited with all India rank 61 at CSIR-NET/LS in 2015, GATE scholarship in 2013 and BITSAT selection in 2013.
Before his post-doctoral research at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Dr Singh attained his university degrees and made scientific contributions in India and Germany. He received a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology from Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India; and a master’s degree also in biotechnology from Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India. After his master’s education, he received a scholarship from DAAD Germany to pursue his PhD education from the University of Freiburg in the area of molecular parasitology and immunology. There he joined the Department of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and researched mainly on a parasite named Toxoplasma gondii. In 2021 he finished his PhD with thesis titled “Co-evolution of Toxoplasma gondii virulence effectors and host resistance GTPases”. During his time as a PhD student, he gave multiple seminars, presented at conferences, and worked with many collaborators from different parts of Europe.
Currently, Dr Singh is deciphering how gut microbiome and its products may play a positive role in the treatment of Crohn's patients undergoing stem cell therapy at Mount Sinai Hospital. His lab is also involved in identifying the science behind how stem cells play a role in healing Crohn's patients.
Dr. Singh's work on protozoans such as T. gondii stem cells and gut biology/microbiome in pathological and homeostasis conditions hold promise for the mission of the LSINJ. It is known that protozoans such as Tetrahymena thermophila and Trypanosome cruzii display versatile genic and/or genomic responses to immunological, metabolic and environmental pressures. Including molecular responses such as exon shuffling into telomeres, genomic/chromosoimal diminution and chromosome breakages, followed by extrachromosomal amplification of rDNA. This presents a vast opportunity for exploring multifactorial evolutionary qualifications to the power of contemporary approaches. They open up explorations of essential scientific dimensions in keeping with the policies of the LSINJ in preempting genetic disease lesions
On a wider note, perhaps, we can consider the necessity of ameliorating the consequences of qualifications to Global Health Research Policies. As well as the role of the LSINJ, and in anticipation of that of Dr. Shishir Singh, in eventually bringing meaningful resolution to this matter. One that is of unparalleled significance to the Public Interest. The LSINJ has identified and promoted a system for the resolution of the contradiction of much progress with simultaneous retrograde perpetuation of recurrence of genetic disease states. It does so through its core mission of preempting genetic diseases and birth defects with an approach that is integrative, namely CA RTO based control of the Mutome. Although, with the approach of the LSINJ, the analytical power of contemporary methods does have a significant and complementary role to be played in bringing relevance to basic research in healthcare. However, there is an absence of integration into Medicine of a relevant and necessary principle of Evolutionary Genetics conferring contextual and mechanistic relevance on the powers of contemporary methods. This absence is revelatory since it spans approximately 150 years since the articulation of this principle. The absence of integration of these indispensable and complementary approaches also indicates necessities for ameliorating lapses in traditional educational trajectories in Biomedical Research and Medicine.
Dr. Singh has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural experience gained in India and online on several continents. All of which are of large significance for an institute such as the LSINJ. An institute which by definition, not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Detailed Biosketch: (to be updated)
Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: CHABMR (Chief Historian & Archivist for Biomedical Research); Co- Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World; Member of Group on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World; Member of Group on Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World; Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies); Co - Group Leader of Groups for Communication Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World
Interests: History; Invitation for Renovation and Rehabilitation Projects; Special interest on Ayurvedic, Unani and Traditional Medicine.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: working group Member of Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies) consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Dr. Alex Diaz, Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliations (past and present): Historian, Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (2015 – present); Visiting Researcher, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK, (2006 – 2009); University of Ruhuna and University of Colombo; University of Hiroshima, Japan (2012, 2018); University of Karachi (2012)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: Telephone (94)778277284; ;
Biosketch: As a Historian, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of History, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dr. Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. brings a unique perspective to the LSINJ. Dr. Wijegoonawardana has studied, researched and understands Social Conflict, Trauma and Healing mediated through various Renovation and Rehabilitation Projects in war torn nations. Nirmali’s wide ranging studies included decades of conflicts in far flung nations of South Asia (Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka), Southeast Asia (Myanmar and Indonesia), the Far East (Japan), Africa and Latin America. Dr. Wijegoonawardana has a deep and professional appreciation for the role of Education, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals and Civic networks in developing societies as well as in the rehabilitation of those societies that are traumatized by war. We anticipate that Dr. Wijegoonawardana will project her leadership role in several of the ancillary projects of the LSINJ in administering to the Medical, Health, and Pharmaceutical and Educational needs of developing societies in which she works and is well-established. In this effort Dr. Wijegoonawardana will be collaborating with multiple groups in the LSINJ variably consisting of other Board Members namely, George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. and Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO. Some are Co-Group Leaders on the Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World or Co-Group Leaders on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World or are Co-Group Leaders of the Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison in Developing Societies or Members of Groups for Public Science Education in Developing Societies. International representation in the LSINJ includes: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka. However it is in her role as CHABMR (Chief Historian & Archivist for Biomedical Research) for the LSINJ that Dr. Wijegoonawardana will make the most significant contributions. Firstly, by working with Liz Parrish CCO/CMaO (Chief Communications Officer and Chief Marketing Officer) in organizing the Archives of the LSINJ in terms of the Historical context of similar undertakings. Secondly and of equal importance, Dr. Wijegoonawardana will coordinate communicating the work of the LSINJ in developing societies with its work in the USA as well as both resource procurement and effective disbursement essential to the survival of the LSINJ. Thirdly, it is anticipated that Dr. Wijegoonawardana, Dr. Kholis Audah, CEO/CMO Liz Parrish and Hafiz Yahya, Ph.D. will improve the effectiveness of the LSINJ by informing its Board Members on the direction that its efforts should take in procuring and disbursement of its limited Pharmaceutical, Medical, Educational and Health resources in developing countries. It is further anticipated that Kholis Audah, Ph.D.(CPL – DS); CPSE – DS (CPSE - DS); Co - Group Leader (PSE- DS) and Liz Parrish CCO/CMaO (Chief Communications Officer and Chief Marketing Officer) will be working closely with Dr. Wijegoonawardana in these undertakings of the LSINJ. Finally, Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, George Perry, Ph.D., Hafiz Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez s. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S. and Alex Diaz, Ph.D. all have professional and personal experiences that are directly relevant to these ancillary activities of the LSINJ. They would provide invaluable resources supporting. Nirmali, Kholis and Liz in their endeavors.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Vikash Yadav, M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director of Biotechnology and Bioengineering projects. Director of Civic and Social Services of the LSINJ in Nepal
Interests: Scientific: Biotechnology, NGS and Genomics, Microbiological as well as in Bioengineering sectors,
Social and Civic: Human Rights, homelessness and mental health in Birganj, Nepal
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Co-Group Leader: Co-Group Leader for Biotechnology Liaison – Nepal and Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., Nepal, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): Experience in external institutions:
Research Internship Research Internship
Fssai , Food License Registration INDIA · Internship Fssai ,Food License Registration INDIA · Internship (1 mo Raxaul, Bihar, India, Raxaul, Bihar, India)
Participated for 1 months internship in National Food Laboratory, FSSAI, Raxaul, India. Experienced different experiment like sapponification, iodine value, Oil soluble colour testing, Argimone test, Alcoholic acidity, HPLC & etc. Participated for 1 months internship in National Food Laboratry, FSSAI, Raxaul, India.
Research Assistant at Genetix Biotech Asia (P) Ltd., and the Genetix Biotech corporation, Feb 2022 - Jul 2022 · 6 Najafgarh, Delhi, India Management Team Member, Najafgarh, New Delhi, India (February – July 2022)
Manaseva Aashram in Birganj, Nepal. The institution is a 'Place where homeless and mental individual get their rights.'
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +977-9807149053 (Mobile)
Skype Address: live:.cid.b872adfb8128aa30
Educational Institutions, (degrees):
Lovely Professional University, at Phagwara, Punjab, India
Masters (M.Sc.) degree in Biotechnology (M.Sc.) in 2022
Bachelors (B.Sc.) degree in 2020
Mr. Yadav holds a Masters (M.Sc.) degree in Biotechnology (with Honor’s) as well as having specialized in Bioengineering. He resides in Birganj, Nārāyanī, Nepal. Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey (LSINJ).
Mr. Vikash has active interests in Biotechnology, NGS and Genomics, Microbiological as well as in Bioengineering sectors. On LinkedIn Vikash is a member of 3 Groups with shared interest in the LSINJ: NGS (Next Generation Sequencing), NGS Next Generation Sequencing & Genomics, and Microbiology Professionals.
The areas of scientific expertise that Mr. Vikash Yadav, brings with him have distinct as well as complementary dimensions to those of some of Board Members of the LSINJ. Particularly in our pursuit of our core mission of preemption of genetic disease lesions in real time.
Mr. Yadav is very aware of the core mission of the LSINJ. Namely, the necessity of addressing the single most intractable barrier in Medicine, that of uncontrolled insertions of genetic lesions, and how this should be approached. Furthermore he appreciates the necessity of diversity and collaborative approaches that retain both a scientific and societal dimension, for the attainment of these objectives.
Details of his accomplishments and contributions are available on Mr. Vikash Yadav's profile on LinkedIn:
Vikash Yadav was awarded his Masters (M.Sc.) degree in Biotechnology (M.Sc.) in 2022. He was awarded his Bachelors (B.Sc.) degree in 2020. In both cases from the Lovely Professional University, at Phagwara, Punjab, India.
Having worked as a Research Assistant at Genetix Biotech Asia (P) Ltd., Vikash is familiar with various protocols in Molecular Biology and Genetics. The Genetix Biotech corporation is located at 6 Najafgarh, New Delhi, India, (Feb 2022 - Jul 2022)
Management Team Member, Mr. Vikash Yadav's work experience includes dimensions that reveal a keen social and civic awareness. From September Mr. Vikash Yadav has worked at the Manaseva Aashram in Birganj, Nepal. The institution is a 'Place where homeless and mental individual get their rights.'(September 2019 – Present)
Vikash Yadav is clearly interested in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of settings. At least some of his interests will echo with those of some Board Members of the LSINJ. His experience in the Lab as a Technologist and a Scientist is irreplaceable for an institution such as the LSINJ, the BM of which hope someday to house their own research facilities and teams.
Vikash Yadav, M.Sc. has much to contribute to the LSINJ in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ which not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Detailed Biosketch (To Be Updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Hafiz Shaeque Yahya, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President in liaising LSINJ operations with Upper (Ministerial and National) Level Administrations, in Education and Planning on the South Asian subcontinent; Vice President (Administration in Universities of South Asian and Developing Societies); Group Leader of Wild Life Studies – South Asia; Group Leader in Ornithology and Microbial Disease Transmission; Group Leader in Avian Evolution and Migration
Interests: Planning for 5 Year Educational Plans of India; Ornithology and Wildlife Sciences;
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Liaison on LSINJ operations with Upper (Ministerial and National) Level Administrations, in Education and Planning on the South Asian subcontinent; Group on Administration in Universities of South Asian and Developing Societies); Group Leader of Wild Life Studies – South Asia; Group Leader in Ornithology and Microbial Disease Transmission; Group Leader in Avian Evolution and Migration. Additional Member or Co-Group Leader on the Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World or Co-Group Leader on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World or Co-Group Leader of the Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison in Developing Societies or Members of Groups for Public Science Education in Developing Societies. International representation in the LSINJ includes: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka.
Affiliations (past and present): LSINJ; Chair, Department of Zoology, Mithila University, (1982); Section on Ornithology and Wildlife Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University (A.M.U.), Aligarh, India; Aligarh, India; Postdoctoral Fellow: Aberdeen University, UK, (1992); Postdoctoral Fellow: Cornell university Lab of Ornithology (2004); Member of the Union Public Service Commission Government of India; Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences, A. M. U. Aligarh, India (2014 – 2016); Life Member of several International and National Organizations; Member of the Union Public Service Commission Government of India; Member of Planning Commission, Higher Education Group for 12th Five Year Plan of the Government of India
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: 732 614 9504;
Biosketch: Prof. Hafiz Yahya was awarded his doctorate (Ph.D. degree) in 1980 under the guidance of (the late) Dr. Salim Ali from the University of Bombay (Mumbai). Dr. Hafiz Yahya then worked as Field Biologist under the aegis of BNHS Bombay until 1982. Dr. Yahya then joined the Department of Zoology in L.N. Mithila University as a Lecturer before being promoted to Professor and Department Chair, within a short period of time. In February 1986 Prof. Yahya joined the Department of Zoology, at Aligarh Muslim University (A.M.U.) in Aligarh, India. He was appointed to the Section on Ornithology & Wildlife studies and rose to the rank of Department Chairman for 2 terms. The Department soon separated into the Department of Wildlife Sciences. Prof. Yahya worked in the Department on various positions and held the position of Chairman for two terms. He has guided 7 M. Phil and 8 Ph.D. students. While availing of an Extraordinary Leave and Leave on Academic Pursuit he worked in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Canada in the periods between 1994 and 1997 and 2008 and 2009 respectively. As a Postdoctoral Research Fellow he obtained certificate and diploma from Aberdeen University (Scotland) and Cornell Lab of Ornithology (USA) in 1992 and 2004 respectively. Prof. Yahya has published over 100 research articles, 14 Technical Reports and 14 Books. During the establishment of the A.M.U. Centres he was deployed as the Officer on Special Duty for all three centers that came into existence. Prof. Yahya has attended International Conferences and delivered lectures areas of all six continents and in 23 countries. Between November 2014 and November 2016, he served as the Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences, A. M. U. Aligarh, India. Prof. Yahya is a Life Member of several international and national organizations as well as holding the position of a Member of the Union Public Service Commission of the Government of India. Prof. Yahya also served as a Member of the Planning Commission, Higher Education Group for 12th Five Year Plan of the Government of India. After superannuation on 31 December 2017, he has been a resident of New Jersey and will assist the LSINJ in its efforts in the dissemination of scientific information. Prof. Yahya has deep insight and wide experience in Upper (Ministerial and National) Level Administration, Education and Planning on the South Asian continent. He has also spent an academic lifetime in the study of Wildlife Sciences and Ornithology on the Indian subcontinent. We anticipate drawing on his administrative and scientific acumen in his roles as Vice President (Administration in South Asian Universities and Wild Life Studies) Group Leader in Ornithology and Microbial Disease Transmission and Group Leader in Avian Evolution and Migration.
Additionally we anticipate that Prof. Hafiz Yahya will project his leadership role in several of the ancillary projects of the LSINJ. They include his role as Vice President in liaising LSINJ operations with Upper (Ministerial and National) Level Administrations, in Education and Planning on the South Asian subcontinent, administering to the Medical, Health, Pharmaceutical and Educational needs of developing societies - areas in which his experience is well-established. In this effort Dr. Yahya will be collaborating with multiple groups in the LSINJ variably consisting of other Board Members namely, George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, M.D., Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. and Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO. Some are Co-Group Leaders on the Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World or Co-Group Leaders on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World or are Co-Group Leaders of the Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison in Developing Societies or Members of Groups for Public Science Education in Developing Societies. International representation in the LSINJ includes: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka.
Detailed Biosketch (To Be Updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Gang – Ming Zou M.D., Ph.D.
Position and Role in Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey (LSINJ): (i) Senior Vice President for LSINJ concentrating in post mutational operations in Translational Medicine, Stem Cell, Embryology and Developmental Biology; (ii) Senior Vice President for LSINJ Clinical, Pathology and Microscopy, Drug Discovery and Pharmaceutical operations and liaisons; (iii) Vice President for editorial and publishing decisions on post-mutational publications.
Interests: (A) Scientific Research: (i) Biomedical Research for Drug Discovery and Clinical Therapies in Cancer Biology and Thalassemia; (ii) Clinical, Pathology and Microscopy, Drug Discovery and Pharmaceutical; (iii) Translational Medicine, Stem Cell, Embryology and Developmental Biology; (iv) LinkedIn Groups in Science: (i) NGS Sequencing, Microarray Genomics and CRISPR; (ii) NGS Sequencing; (iii) Precision Medicine and Digital Health; (iv) Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
(B) Editing and Publishing: Editor – in – Chief of American Journal of Translational Medicine, (ii) Publisher Hawaii Gangze Inc., Publisher
(C) Awareness or Activism in Civic, Environmental and Social Issues: LinkedIn Groups: (i) Women’s Rights, Privacy and Freedom in Healthcare for All; (ii) Yummet Conference Update: CO2 capture, Green Hydrogen, Green Cement and Green Water
Member and/or Group Leader of Working Groups in the LSINJ: (i) Group Leader on Cancer Biology; (ii) Group Leader – Group of Endocrinology and Cellular interactions. Signal Transduction and Apoptosis in Early Mouse Embryo Development and Developmental Biology; (iii) Application of the Model of Embryonic Stem cells; (iv) Member of the Group of Member – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology); (v) Co-Group Leader of the outreach of the LSINJ to Medical, Clinical, Biotechological and Pharmaceutical communities in the US and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC); (vi) Co-Group Leader on Educational, Civic and Healthcare communities in the USA, Americas, Hawaii and Asia.
Affiliation(s): External institutions:
Current: (i) Adjunct Associate Professor the University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA. (ii) American Journal of Translational Medicine (iii) Professor in Gannan Medical University in China
Past: (iii) Gannan Medical University, China, M.D., Medicine, awarded in 1989 . (iv) Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris VI) University, France, Ph.D. awarded in 2001
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: (808) 367 6828
Websites: LinkedIn URL:; CVAcad:,
Educational Institutions credentials and dates:
Gannan Medical University, China, Medicine, B.M/B. S., 1985
Gannan Medical University, China, M.D., Medicine, 1989
Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris VI) University, France, 2001
Endocrinology and Cellular interaction. Thesis: Signal Transduction and Apoptosis in the Early Mouse Embryo Development, the Application oof the Model of Embryonic Stem cells, Ph.D.
Professor. Gang - Ming Zou (MD, PhD) has an appointment in the position of an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA. He currently serves as the Editor - in - Chief of the American Journal of Translational Medicine, which is based in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is also a Professor of Medicine at in Gannan Medicine University in China.
Gang – Ming Zou, Board Members and I have been connected on LinkedIn and share interests in scientific as well as issues arising in civic, community and human rights dimensions. This is reflected in the Groups on LinkedIn in which we share membership in the Interests section above.
Given the enormity of his contributions it is best to allow Professor Gang – Ming Zou to present them himself. The=y are taken from his Profile on LinkedIn as well as his Curriculum Vitae listed in the section on his Websites above and presented as extracts below.
As demonstrated by the publications in his CV Gang – Ming Zou is highly active in the areas of Cancer, Hematopoeisis, Stem Cell Biology, Apoptosis and Endocrinology. The purpose being therapeutic applications in Translational Medicine for the management of the pathological conditions,
Extracted from the CV of Prof. Gang – Ming Zou, MD, PhD:
Clinical Experiences and Expertise
Attending physician: experiences focused on clinical hematology, endocrinology, and digestive disease. Excellent clinical experience in the treatment of the following diseases: Leukemia, aplastic anemia, MDS, Diabetes, Thyroid disease, Gastritis, Ulcer, liver disease, etc. Excellent experience in clinical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Besides familiarity with the standard repertoire of methods on the lab bench in multiple fields, he is also familiar with optical and electron microscopic methods. These are of particular significance of the CA RTO system of the LSINJ Extracted from the CV:
Experiences and Expertise in Microscopy
1. Light microscope:
1) examine the blood cells under a microscope,
2) examine bacteria under microscopy
3) Teaching experiences for a college student (Nursing student) how to use a microscope (Lab class) at Chaminade University
2. Electronic microscope
3. Laser confocal microscope
Knowledgeable 2
Gang - Ming Zou is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of Industry, Medical School, Life Sciences Research Institute and University settings. In addition, he has executed administrative and teaching responsibilities at several levels in these systems. At least some of his interests will echo with those of Board Members of the LSINJ. Along with his similar experience in the Clinic and in Medicine with other Physician/Scientist (MD/PhD) Board Members, Dr. Zou brings Field settings and applications to the core goal of the LSINJ in preempting genetic diseases and birth defects. Dr. Zou's experience in the Lab as a Scientist, well as an Experimental Biologist in multiple fields complements those of other Board Members (BM). It is irreplaceable for an institution such as the LSINJ. Principally due to the fact that its BM hope someday to enable the LSINJ to house its own research facilities and teams.
Prof. Gang - Ming Zou (MD, PhD) has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as in intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Detailed Biosketch (To Be Updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Hitakshi Mahajan, B.Sc. (Biotechnology) D Position and Role in LSINJ: Assistant Director of Biotechnology and Liaison to South Asian Student Associations
Scientific Interests: (1) Food and Health; (2) Professional Scientific Health, (3) Cancer Metastasis; (4) International Workshop, University of Melbourne, Australia; (5) Introduction to Forensic Science; (6) Experimental exposure to plant biology; (7) 'Online Quiz" Biotech World,
Member of Working Group in LSINJ: Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan in First working group: Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Second working group: Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Dr. Tony Lai, M.D., Prof. Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Dt. Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Prof. Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. L and Prof. Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): external institutions and positions (listed in (1) Educational Institutions, (2) degrees and licenses:
Extracurricular and additional online coursework includes:
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 6006861464
Skype address: live:.cid.5883de31723dee0d; (
Educational Institutions, (degrees and licenses):
(1) Master of Biotechnology at Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. (M.Sc. (Biotechnology), August 23rd, 2023, to May 25th 2025 (Prospective date);
(2) B.Sc. (Biotechnology) at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (2022 - 2023)
Extracurricular and additional online coursework includes:
(1) 'Introduction to Food and Health,' Stanford University
(2) 'Introduction to Professional Scientific Health,' IIT, Kanpur
(3) 'Understanding Cancer Metastasis' Johns Hopkins University
(4) International Workshop, University of Melbourne, Australia
(5) 'Introduction to Forensic Science,' Nanyang Technical University,
(6) Summer Internship at the Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, India
(7) 'Online Quiz" Biotech World, India
Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan, B.Sc. was elected to the Board of the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey (LSINJ) on August 13th, 2024. Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan, originally from Udhampur in Jammu and Kashmir, is currently a graduate student of Biotechnology at Shoolini University in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. She is currently enrolled as a Graduate Student of Biotechnology at Shoolini University in Himachal Pradesh, India. Ms. Mahajan is mentored by VP LSINJ/Dr. Shazveen Saleem, Pharm.D., M.Phil. Biomed. Sciences, of TechMed, of TechMed Consulting and Global Consulting in Karachi, Pakistan. Ms. Mahajan expects to be awarded the Master of Science degree in Biotechnology (M. Sc. Biotechnology) by Shoolini University, in May 2025. Ms. Mahajan had completed coursework and was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, in 2023.
Ms. Mahajan has already acquired extensive scientific experience in the classroom as well as with online courses and on the laboratory bench as is elaborated below as well as in her profile on LinkedIn.
This experience has been drawn from an array of international universities and institutions. They are in geographical locations extending from South Asia, predominantly in India, to encompassing professional and scientific institutions and enterprises located in Indochina/South Asia (Singapore), North America, Australia and Europe. They are elaborated on in her Educational Background below as well as in her certifications on LinkedIn.
Ms. Mahajan has been committed to research and science, specifically based on her keen interest in Biotechnology. At Shoolini University, her primary research focus is on wastewater management and treatment. However, she considers this as an intermediary step to specializing in the fields of Genetics and Cancer Biology, where she hopes to make significant contributions.
In expanding her horizons with explorative knowledge, Ms. Mahajan has completed numerous certifications in various fields of biotechnology. This has exposed her to a spectrum of specialties with the goal of discovering a calling within the vast domain of biotechnology.
These pursuits have imparted practical experience through various internships. Notably, in an internship at the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) in Shimla, where I engaged in intensive work on potato varieties involving multiple approaches to the analyses of DNA. Currently, Ms. Mahajan is honing her skills as a Research Analyst under the guidance of Dr. Shazveen Saleem at TechMed Consulting.
The academic achievements of Ms. Mahajan were recognized with the award of a silver elite medal for her stellar performance in the NPTEL exam in Scientific Communication at IIT Kanpur.
Beyond her academic pursuits, Ms. Mahajan has a keen interest in Mandala art, watching real-life documentaries, and occasionally dancing. These hobbies provide a creative outlet and a balance to her rigorous academic schedule.
Beyond her focus on studies in scientific principles and experimental research, she hopes to contribute meaningfully to society by addressing contemporary challenges. Given her dedication making this impact while promoting progress in the field of Biotechnology, is well within plausible expectations.’
Perhaps predictably Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan has acquired experience in major universities and research centers culminating in an impressive series of qualifications. They are listed on her profile in LinkedIn.
Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan has much to contribute to the LSINJ in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership with experience gained in India and the USA. The LSINJ is an institute which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
On a wider note, perhaps we can consider the necessity of ameliorating the consequences of qualifications to Global Health Research and Policies. As well as the role of the LSINJ, and in anticipation, of Ms. Hitakshi Mahajan, B.Sc.., in bringing meaningful resolution to these challenges. As part of its core mission as a nonprofit tax-exempt Private Foundation the LSINJ has identified and promoted a multi-dimensional resolution to the contradiction of much progress in healthcare with a simultaneous and counter-productive lack of application to populations and policy. All of which are exacerbated by the perpetuation of recurrence of genetic disease pathologies. We anticipate that Ms. Mahajan’s broad background and experience in science, biotechnology and education will facilitate the implementation of these objectives.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)