Board Members of the lsinj: past or on sabbatical (sign in is not required)
Board members of the lsinj: PAST OR on sabbatical (Sign in Not required)
Mohammed (Mo) Abouelsoud
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director – Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation in Trauma Resolution & Stress Management; Director of Outreach for Urban Centers in the USA and Egypt, Africa; Member Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Member Group on Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems.
Interests: Neuroscience, Physics, and Weightlifting
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Working group: consisting of Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., & Ferez Nallaseth, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leaders -(Co-Group Leaders – Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Sina Varmaghani, M.S.) for Neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology and Experimental Psychology, Aging and Neurodegeneration, Thermodynamics of Neural Functions under Hypoxic Conditions, Stroke and Ischemia in Anoxia Tolerant Turtle brains, Mutational Basis of Brain Cancers and Neurodegenerative Diseases.; Working group: consisting of Ralph Sherman, B.S., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., & Ferez Nallaseth, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leaders – Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Sina Varmaghani, M.S. ) for Neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology and Experimental Psychology, Aging and Neurodegeneration, Thermodynamics of Neural Functions under Hypoxic Conditions, Stroke and Ischemia in Anoxia Tolerant Turtle brains, Mutational Basis of Brain Cancers and Neurodegenerative Diseases; Member of Working Group for the Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals in Public Science Education in Developing Societies, Africa, Egypt; Co – Group Leader for Public Elementary Science Education in Developing Societies of Africa, Egypt with VP Dickson A. Musa and Asmaa Rabit, M.D.
External Affiliation(s) Past and Present: U: The Mind Company, Columbus/Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Founding CEO (August 2018 – present); The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, USA, Assistant Researcher (October 2017 to February 2018); Global Design Mission, Columbus, OH, USA, Co-Founding President (August 2017 to December 2018);
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Email: neuroUtechnology@gmailcom
Phone: 614 641 6453
Educational Institutions, (degrees etc):
The Ohio State University, BA in Neuroscience and Physics (underway, 2017 - 2021)
Mr. Mohammed (Mo) Abouelsoud is a Physicist and Neuroscientist. Since August 2018, Mr. Mo Abouelsoud has been the CEO and Founder at U: The Mind Company located in Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio. The company concentrates on therapeutic and research applications in the burgeoning field of 'Non-invasive Deep Brain Stimulation'. The company applies ‘Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation’ treatment for many diseases in a very cost effective manner. It has developed the application of a novel form of Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation that can target a region deep inside the brain without stimulating the surrounding areas. The Medical Device is to be cleared by the FDA for commercial distribution in the United States.
Mr. Mohammed Abouelsoud has extensive clinical and scientific bench experience. From October 2017 to February 2018 Mr. Mohammed Abouelsoud has worked as a Senior Intern and Assistant Researcher at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. Mo 'worked under the supervision of Qinwan Rabbani in the Neuromodulation Data Analysis lab. Learned basic data analysis skills for DTI connectivity maps, a type of neuroimaging technique for fMRI imaging. Acclimated with MATLAB and FSL programming.'
Mo also worked as a Senior Intern for Brahms, Cohn and Leb in 'Shadowed Orthopedic Surgeons, fMRI technician, X-Ray technician, and Physical Therapists. Gained insight in medical terminology, hospital operations, and patient care.’
From August 2017 to December 2018, Mohammed was the Co-Founding President of the Global Design Mission also located in the Columbus, OH area. Its mission was training Global Leaders and University students in processes of confronting contemporary social, economic, political, and environmental and production issues.
However, Mohammed (Mo) Abouelsoud, has had to support himself prior to his scientific and societal undertakings. He did so through employment in the non-academic workforce. Making Mo a true Blue Collar Scientist. Mo is to be awarded his dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Neurosciences and Physics by The Ohio State University in work done between 2017 and 2021.
There is more To Mr. Mohammed (Mo) Abouelsoud that can be extracted from his LinkedIn profile on Google:
Mo takes on the challenges of addressing necessary intractable or mega-scale undertakings. In this respect we share our most fundamental scientific and societal orientations which fit more completely into a vital underpinning of the LSINJ, which is diversity.
Mr. Abouelsoud is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of Clinical, Life Sciences and University, Medical Community and Industry settings. In addition, he has executed administrative and teaching responsibilities at several levels in Research Institutes and University systems. At least some of these interests will echo with those of some Board Members of the LSINJ. His experience in the Lab as a Technologist, Manager, and a Scientist is irreplaceable for an institution such as the LSINJ the BM of which hopes someday to house its own research facilities and teams.
Mo has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include wide ranging cross- disciplinary as well as cross-cultural leadership which echoes with an institute such as the LSINJ which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally situated.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
Former Board Member Adam Bogart, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Former Board Member. Chief of Imaging Operations (CIO); Chief of Statistical and Mathematical Operations (CISMO)
Interests: Neuropsychiatric diseases, neuroimaging and MRI modeling of neuropsychiatric diseases; Neurodegeneration and Aging. Radiology and statistical analysis of brain metabolites during normal aging and pathological animal models of Neurodegenerative Disease under conditions of caloric restriction.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology and Psychology, Thermodynamics of Neural Functions under Hypoxic Conditions, Stroke and Ischemia in Anoxia Tolerant Turtle brains, Mutational Basis of Brain Cancers and Neurodegenerative Diseases - George Perry, Ph.D., Adam Bogart, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., & Ferez Nallaseth, Ph.D. & Sina Varmaghani, M.Sc.(Group Leader – George Perry, Ph.D.); Neuropsychiatric diseases, neuroimaging and MRI modeling of neuropsychiatric diseases; Neurodegeneration and Aging. Radiology and statistical analysis of brain metabolites during normal aging and pathological animal models of Neurodegenerative Disease under conditions of caloric restriction - - George Perry, Ph.D., Adam Bogart, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., & Ferez Nallaseth, Ph.D. & Sina Varmaghani, M.Sc. (Group Leader - Adam Bogart, Ph.D.).
Affiliations: Behavioral Neuroscientist (MRI), University Hospital of Lexington; Sanders-Brown Center on Aging
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: 845-325-3049 (Mobile);
Biosketch: Dr. Adam Bogart’s interests are in both functional and structural neuroimaging (MRI) of the neuropsychiatric disorders. In 2010 Dr. Bogart was awarded a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Behavioral Neuroscience (Experimental Psychology) at Kent State University at Kent, OH. Dr. Bogart then went onto hold a number of Research and Postdoctoral Fellowship positions in Neuropsychiatric diseases, Neuroimaging and MRI modeling of Neuropsychiatric diseases; Neurodegeneration and Aging at Frontline Universities and Research Institutions. Dr. Bogart currently works at the Behavioral Neuroscientist (MRI), University Hospital of Lexington; Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Furthermore it can be elaborated that his interests cover Neuropsychiatric diseases, Neuroimaging and MRI modeling of Neuropsychiatric Diseases; Neurodegeneration and Aging. D. Bogart also applies Radiology and statistical analysis of brain metabolites during normal aging and pathological animal models of neurodegenerative disease under conditions of caloric restriction. As underlying causes of Brain Cancers and Neurodegenerative Diseases (NGD e.g. affecting protein folding) lie in mutations inserted into the genome, we anticipate that with his vast experience in these areas, Dr. Bogart will make significant contributions to the core mission of the LSINJ. In his role of Chief of Imaging Operations (CIO), Chief of Statistical and Mathematical Operations (CISMO) as well as a Member of the focus group in the LSINJ on Neurosciences, etc. Dr. Bogart will play a foundational role. The combination of his expertise along with that of others members will drive preemption of disease lesions and eventually represent he only real cure for intractable disease states such as Neurodegenerative diseases.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Vitaly Boyko, M.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice – President for Cross-Disciplinary Research, Virology, Optical and Computational initiatives and management of Large Data Sets that they generate
Interests: virology, immunology, oncology, bioinformatics, imaging, optical and computer hardware, and handling of large (imaging) data sets. Specialties: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;
Cell Biology; Live Cell Imaging; Advanced low light microscopy, and quantitative analysis of large image data sets; The full range of his expertise and experience is listed on LinkedIn (,).
Member or Group Leader of Working Group in LSINJ: (1) Co-Group Leader of Cross-Disciplinary Group with VP Colin C. White, VP Osama Yousseff, VP Kholis Audah, VP Abhshek Gupta, VP Lori McGrew, VP Dickson A. Musa, VP Jean Plante, VP Ralph Sherman, VP Sandeep Singh, Director Sina Varmaghani, and Pres. Ferez S. Nallaseth in areas of : Cross-disciplinary research including in: Fundamental Cell Biology, Oncology, oncogenic viruses and infectious diseases of viral origin, Advanced microscopy and quantitative image analysis, Live Cell Imaging in 5D (xyztλ), Protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions in vitro and in vivo (sensitized FRET, acceptor photobleaching FRET, FLIM, FCS, etc.), Cell Biology of RNA and ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs), Cell Molecular Biology of human pathogenesis (HIV-1, HIV-2, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, C, A and other RNA and DNA viruses ), Immunohistochemistry and broad use of fluorescent probes for specific detection of biomolecules, Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Cellular Biophysics Single molecule Biophysics and Physiological Biochemistry, Management of Imaging Facility, Experience in configuration and customization of a wide-field and total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy system (TIRFM), Custom computer/optical hardware, Handling of large data sets, Custom three channel, zero cross-talk Total Internal Reflection Fluorescent Microscopy, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cell Biology;
Live Cell Imaging;
Advanced low light microscopy, and quantitative analysis of large image data sets
External Affiliation(s) – current and former: (1) Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at the True Cross-Disciplinary Research Institute (TCDI) located in Gaithersburg, Maryland (January 2021 – present), (2) Commercial Cross Disciplinary Institute (Business) (2009 – present), (3) Senior Research Scientist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Institute, New York, (Jan 2012 – Jan 2021, (4) Research Scientist, Purdue University, LaFayette, IN (Feb 2012 – May 2012), (5) Senior Research Fellow, The National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD ( Nov 2003 – Sep 2009), (6) Associate Scientist, University of Basel, Switzerland (April 2003 – October 2003), (7) Associate Scientist, The Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland (October 1997 – March 2003), (9) Postdoctoral Associate, Institute for Medical Microbiology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland (Sept 1995 – Sept 1997), (10) Postdoctoral Associate, CREC, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (March 1993 – Sept 1995), (11) Doctoral Graduate Fellow, Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University (1983 - 1991),
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 240-702-6478 (Mobile), (IM or Google Talk)
Educational Institutions, (degrees etc): (1) Doctorate (PhD) in Molecular Virology and Bioinformatics, (1991), Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University (Russian Federation, Moscow), (2) Master of Science (M.Sc.) (1983? – 1988) in Fields of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, the Moscow State University, (3) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degrees (1983 – 1988?) in Fields of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, the Moscow State University
Biosketch: Dr. Vitaly Boyko is the Chief Scientific Officer at the True Cross-Disciplinary Research Institute (TCDI) located in Gaithersburg, Maryland which he founded and led since January 2021. He also partnered in the establishment of the commercial CDI (Business) since 2009.
Although, apparently or implicitly, more limited in dimensions of overlap, scope, rate, extent, segmentation of fields and overview of development, the TCDI and the Combinatorial Approach of the LSINJ share approaches. Namely, in melding together the Life, Physical and Computational Sciences (and Mathematics) in addressing necessary intractable or mega-scale undertakings in Medicine. In this respect we share our most fundamental scientific and societal orientations and so they fit more completely into a vital underpinning of the LSINJ, which is diversity.
Dr. Vitaly Boyko has worked on cutting edge research as part of frontline research teams in Russia, Switzerland, Canada and the United States as listed above in his external affiliations.
Instead of trying unsuccessfully to include all and even some of the dimensions of his contributions, it is most reasonable to extract relevant segments of Dr. Vitaly Boyko’s profile on LinkedIn and Scientific sites. A quick look at the comments and recommendations by Vitaly’s references from colleagues, peers and mentors on LinkedIn reveals much about him as well as his contributions. It is the profile of someone who is a frontline Scientist and yet has managed to remain tempered by the deep Societal concerns of a Humanist, Thinker (Rodin’s Thinker), irreverent Critic with a wry and sometimes self-deprecating sense of ironic humor. This is in the tradition of Scientists at the pinnacle of civilization and of the likes of Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Ricard Feynman, J. Robert Oppenheimer and Andrei Sakharov.
To appreciate the magnitude of his contributions, scientific and interpersonal approaches it is necessary to visit the references to Dr. Vitaly Boyko’s work, listed in the websites above, as well as placing them in context lent by his colleagues comments on LinkedIn.
Vitaly has known and interacted with a wide social and scientific spectrum of members on LinkedIn - sometimes vigorously so. His exchanges are always governed by the bounds of constraints of scientific and even normal discourse in the public domain. Because they are so vital to his own scientific and professional convictions Dr. Vitaly Boyko, would strongly support the foundational basis of the LSINJ – institutional independence, preservation of core mission and diversity of BM and their ancillary undertakings
Dr. Vitaly Boyko’s profiles on PubMed, Research Gate and LinkedIn identify his specialization in research areas, authorship in peer reviewed medical or journal articles. Dr. Boyko has decades of frontline research experience in the areas of ‘virology, immunology, oncology, bioinformatics, imaging, optical and computer hardware, and handling of large (imaging) data sets.’
Vitaly Boyko was awarded his doctorate (PhD) in 1991, by the Moscow State University (Russian Federation, Moscow) in part for work done at the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology in the fields of Molecular Virology and Bioinformatics. He was also awarded Vitaly was also awarded the degrees of Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degrees by the Moscow State University in the Fields of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry for work done from 1983 to 1988.
Dr. Boyko is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of Medical School, Life Sciences, Research Institute and University settings. In addition, he has executed administrative and teaching responsibilities at several levels in leading Research Institutes and University systems. At least some of these interests will echo with those of some Board Members of the LSINJ. His experience in the Lab as a Technologist, Manager, and a Scientist is irreplaceable for an institution such as the LSINJ the BM of which hopes someday to house its own research facilities and teams.
Vitaly has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include wide ranging cross- disciplinary as well as cross-cultural leadership in the TCDI which echoes with an institute such as the LSINJ which by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
John Catanzaro, M.D.
(On sabbatical as of 7.15.2019)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President for Oncology, Diagnostic and Precision Medicine Initiatives of the LSINJ; Head Baseball Coach
Interests: Cancer Hallmark Analytics and Immunocentrics a Biointelligence, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications, model and mission of architecting patient compatibility precision medicine; Aviation & Baseball;
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: on diagnostics, post-mutational therapies and pre-mutational causes of Cancer - failures of Chromosome Biology inducing Genetic Lesions; metastasis, etc..; Co-Director of liaising with Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology enterprises.
Affiliations: Co-Founder / CIO at NEO7 Cancer Hallmark Analytics and Immunocentrics
Contact Phone Numbers and Email Addresses: 2067185467 (Mobile) ;
Biosketch: John Catanzaro was founder and CEO of a cancer institute that innovated patient-precision genetically matched immunopeptides to train defense cells to eradicate very advanced cancers with successful outcomes.
He is currently CISO (Chief Intelligence Strategic Officer) of NeoImmuno and Concierge Therapeutics two new emerging companies focusing in on precision / personalized analytics, immunocentric design and biointelligence theory. The focus is both on diagnostic and therapeutic applications, with the implementation model and mission of architecting patient compatibility precision medicine based treatment innovations and designs.
Previous experience includes founder and cofounder of two genetic testing companies. He was clinically active as cancer center founder and director (physician) in integrative oncology for over 20 years.
Dr. Catanzaro is currently an active consultant in precision-based biosciences including molecular and immune applications.
In his role as Vice President for Oncology, Diagnostic and Precision Medicine Initiatives of the LSINJ Dr. Catanzaro will play a foundational role. The combination of his expertise along with that of other members will drive preemption of disease lesions and eventually represent the only real cure for intractable pathological states such as Cancers and Neurodegenerative diseases.
A more complete account of the various contributions made by Dr. John Catanzaro is available through his profile on LinkedIn:
Jon de Borbón de Rojas
(Inactive as of 11.09.2019)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President of Clinical Research Operations and Drug Delivery Operations of the LSINJ.
Interests: Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Biochemistry; International Finance; Emergency Pre-hospital Care; Advance Postgraduate Management
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Liaison with Pharmaceutical Industries, Biotechnology and Drug Development Space; Educational initiatives.
Affiliation(s): Chief Research Officer of C3 Incorporated (current); as President and CEO of WCCT Global which was another Pharmaceutical Corporation
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: -
Websites: ;
Detailed Information Link: (to be posted)
Biosketch: Jon de Borbón de Rojas is the Chief Research Officer (CRO) of C3 Incorporated, which is a Pharmaceutical corporation in Orange County, California. He oversees this research mission posted on the C3 site:
"The Mission of C3® International, Inc. is to manufacture the unique Intellectual Property forIdrasil™; A disruptive advancement in the standardization and titration for Hepatic delivery of natural, whole and active Cannabinoids, in a divisible tablet that is Rx only & major Insurance Reimbursable, for Quality of Life (QoL)" Jon de Borbón de Rojas has also served as President and CEO of WCCT Global which was another Pharmaceutical Corporation designed to facilitate ethnic bridging of clinical trials.
Jon de Borbón de Rojas has an eclectic background. He was enrolled in Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Biochemistry, at Florida International University in Miami. Mr. de Borbón de Rojas majored in International Finance to graduate from Barry University, in Miami Shores, FL, in 2011. Jon also undertook studies to train Physicians and Scientists in Emergency Pre-hospital Care at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Finally majoring in Advance Postgraduate Management at the Stanford University Graduate School of Management in Palo Alto California. Jon is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care. In addition, he has executed administrative responsibilities at several levels in the Pharmaceutical Industry. In addition he has multiple licenses in administering Life Support the medical field. CRO Jon de Borbón de Rojasis is highly accomplished with a membership in 21 organizations having completed 12 courses in medical or health services, clinical research associations, marketing, management and regulatory activities as well as promotion of civic causes.
Jon has a broad spectrum of experience in science and health services as well as through his administrative experiences at in the pharmaceutical industry. He has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey. Both in tangible and in intangible ways of cross-cultural leadership, particularly, in an institute such as the LSINJ. The LSINJ by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally situated.
A more complete description of contributions by Jon de Borbón de Rojas may be found on his profile on LinkedIn:
Bradley Droessler, BS
(Inactive as of 11.09.2019)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President – Chemistry (Scientific Research Decisions - Chemistry); Vice President - Discovery Chemistry Research and Development (organic medicinal drugs for therapies in Neuroscience and Neuropathologies); Co-CPL (Co - Chief of Pharmaceutical Liaison – USA); Director of Chemical Biology group. Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals as Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in USA) goals in meeting Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Inner Cities in the USA and Developing Nations of Africa (based in Morocco and Nigeria).
Interests: Discovery Chemistry Research & Development, Neuroscience, Organic-Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical – Biotech Industries.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Co-Group of Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D., Asmaa Rabit, M.D., and Lucy Muniz, MD (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Nigeria and Argentina); Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals as CPSE – DS goals in meeting Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations of Africa (based in Morocco and Nigeria); Vice President and Group Leader – Chemistry (Scientific Research Decisions - Chemistry); Vice President and Group Leader - Discovery Chemistry Research and Development (organic medicinal drugs for therapies in Neuroscience and Neuropathology) comprising of George Perry, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Adam Bogart, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D. and Alex Diaz, Ph.D.; As VP – Chemistry, Bradley Droessler coordinates with Ralph Sherman (Chief of Biophysics Operations); Chief of Technology Transfer Operations; Chief of Electronics Operations; Chief of Biophysics Technology Transfer - Central Nervous System (EEG) Thermodynamics; Group Leader in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Member of the Group on Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems. As VP – Chemistry, Bradley Droessler coordinates with Medicinal Chemists Dickson Musa, Ph.D. and Kholis Audah, Ph.D. who are respectively exploiting Biodiversity in Nigeria (Africa) and Indonesia (Asia).
Affiliation(s): Independent Consultant & Chemist (Current Position); Novel Medicinal Drug Discovery R & D - Collaborative Group (Emeritus); CSS corporation (Emeritus); Eli Lilly and Company (emeritus); University of Wisconsin in Madison (Emeritus).
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number:
Biosketch: Consultant Bradley Droessler is introduced to the LSINJ as its first highly accomplished and genuine Chemist. Principal Investigator Droessler's contributions span the range made as a Team Leader and a Principal Investigator in Pharmaceutical and Industrial settings as well as in the role of an Independent Consultant. Of relevance to interests in the LSINJ Bradley Droessler's work in Discovery Chemistry Research and Development has led to organic medicinal drugs for therapies in Neuroscience and Neuropathology. He has been awarded a slew of Fellowships and other Awards for his contributions to our understanding of Fundamentals of Chemical Processes and their role in Biological Systems. Some of his leadership positions and relevant contributions follow:
From 2002 to 2010 Bradley Droessler was "the Chief Scientist and Manager of R&D into novel therapeutically relevant molecules, Principal Patent Author-Inventor of NCE's as well as branded, generic, and clinical process chemistry optimization IP." Bradley directed these discoveries as the Chief Scientist, Chemist and Principal Investigator at Novel Medicinal Drug Discovery R & D - Collaborative Group.
From 2002 to 2008 Bradley Droessler was the Chief Scientific Officer, Chief Scientist, and Global Operations Manager for CSS corporation. As CSO of CSS Bradley was "responsible for companywide management of a team of scientists and chemists, as well as full strategic and scientific oversight of all company products, services, and programs."
From 1999 to 2003 Bradley Droessler worked as a Biological/Chemist at Eli Lilly and Company. At Eli Lilly and Company Brad's "research covered early to mid stage discovery chemistry research with a focus on Serotonergic, Dopaminergic, and poly-receptor subtype selective ligands as therapeutics for central nervous system (CNS) disease targets."
Bradley Droessler's education in Chemistry was acquired at the University of Wisconsin in Madison commonly recognized as the foremost research institution and university for all dimensions of the field of Chemistry. It is also a foremost University for research in the field of Genetics. The contributions of University Faculty in these 2 areas have even been recognized with Nobel Laureates awarded e.g. to to Dr. Hargobind Khorana (jointly with Dr. Marshall Nirenberg) for elucidating the process by which genetic codes were enzymatically converted to protein sequences. Chemist/Consultant Bradley Droessler received his Bachelor's degree (B.S.) in Chemistry followed by a slew of advanced training diplomas in e.g. Analytics, Synthesis, Spectroscopy, and Medicinal Chemistry areas of chemistry from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
A more complete profile for Chemist and Principal Investigator Bradley Droessler may be accessed on LinkedIn:
Bradley Droessler has much to contribute to the LSINJ, in his roles as a scientist, an administrator, a member of the pharmaceutical and chemical societies. However of most importance as someone with a lifetime of experience in Chemistry he brings the only genuine understanding of the chemical dimension of the the contemporary foundational triad of physics, chemistry and biology. Which along with computational sciences is driving advances in the understanding of the brain/mind, development, all the OMES and the biophysical forces shaping and driving development and evolution among many other advances in the Life Sciences!
Detailed Information Link: (Scroll down to the profile: (LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Edye (Taylor) Edens, JD
(On sabbatical as of 9.15.2019)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President for Legal Affairs & Scientific Research Governance; Liaison with NIH and other regulatory and funding bodies.
Interests: attorney with an international human rights, ethics, and health law background who has Seniority in Research Compliance, Misconduct and site-level compliance work as it relates to QA, monitoring, and auditing (particularly oncology); Human Rights Advocate and Bioethicist in the United States and Kenya .
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Cancer, Neurodegenerative (Alzheimer's Disease); Legal and Regulatory/Compliance Arms.
Affiliations: Currently: First Class Solutions, Indianapolis, IN; Formerly: Indiana University; IU simon Cancer Center, Indianapolis, IN.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: (317) 340 2906 (Home);
Websites: (Company Website); (Company Website)
Biosketch: Prof. Edye Edens is a licensed attorney with an international human rights, ethics, and health law background who is a Senior Research Compliance Consultant with First Class Solutions providing a new line of consulting services focused on research compliance and life sciences. Legal consulting services include but are not limited to: research administration, healthcare compliance, grants/contracts to IRB, COI, education, privacy, HIPAA, FDA, AAHRPP, misconduct and site-level compliance work as it relates to QA, monitoring, and auditing (particularly oncology). Services are provided as education and training, program creation and management, organizational change management, or even as a complete outsourcing solution.
Previously, while in-house for a decade at Indiana University, she focused on the role of human rights in health and worked at the Human Subject Offices on both the Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses, the Indianapolis Grant Services office, Clinical Research Compliance Office and the Research Integrity Office. In 2016, she became the first Quality and Compliance Manager for the IU Simon Cancer Center over all aspects of compliance related to all clinical trials performed at IUSCC, before departing for the consulting world.
The vast and varied experience of Prof. Edens spans her responsibilities as a Research Compliance Consultant, Executive Coach, Experienced Life Sciences Attorney, Compliance and Ethics Attorney at the IU Simon Cancer Center as well as her former role as a Professor of Law at Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana. Furthermore Prof. Eden’s role as a Human Rights Advocate and Bioethicist in the United States and Kenya add indispensable International experience to her already substantial repertoire of qualifications. In these positions Prof. Edens will be invaluable in assisting the LSINJ meet its legal, ethical and administrative responsibilities while retaining the bulwark and thrust of its mission in preempting genetic disease lesions. One that can only be met by engaging Citizen Scientists.
A complete description of contributions and accomplishments of Professor Edye (Taylor) Edens is available on her LinkedIn Profile:
Former Board Member - Mohammad Zeeshan Najm, MSc. PhD (Zeeshan Khan, Ph.D.)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President – Cancer Genetics, Oncology, Pharmacogenomics, Immunodiagnostics & Biotechnology; Pharmacogenomics study design, Diagnostics study, Cancer and Immunodiagnostics; Reviewing Editor for 'Reviewing and Editing for Cancer Related Journals, Medical Journals'.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Co-Group of Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Interests: Cancer Genetics, Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenetics, with expertise in the areas of Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cancer Research, Product Management, Oncology and Science Research as a Specialty.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and/or Group Leader: Group Leader: of group on Cancer Genetics, Oncology, Pharmacogenomics, Immunodiagnostics & Biotechnology; Diagnostics study, Cancer and Immunodiagnostics; Co Group Leader: Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals as Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in USA) goals in meeting Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Inner Cities in the USA and Developing Nations of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh), Co Group Leader: Reviewing Editor for 'Reviewing and Editing for Scientific Journals, Medical Journals'.
Affiliation(s): Present: Consultant at Xcode Life sciences and Visiting Faculty at Apeejay Stya University (August 2018 – present), Past: Assistant Professor of Biotechnology at NIET, Greater Noida (February 2017 to July 2018); Cancer Genetics Expert at Positive Bioscience based at Medanta Hospital; Consultant-Biology at an E learning company; Guest Faculty at Jamia Hamdard University (2013 – 2018).
Websites: (1) Company Name Apeejay Stya University Part-time ;
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Email address:
Phone Number: +91-9718994111
Educational Institutions: (1) Doctorate PhD in Cancer Genetics from Jamia Hamdard University, India (2014); (2) MSc from Jamia Hamdard University, India (2009)
Dr. Mohammad Zeeshan Najm (Zeeshan Khan, Ph.D.) is a successful professional with both Corporate and Academic experience. He holds the degree of PhD in Biochemistry from Jamia Hamdard in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, New Delhi. His major specialization is in Cancer Biology. Since August 2018 Dr. Zeeshan Khan has been appointed to the positions of a Cancer Biologist and Visiting Scientist at Apeejay Stya University in New Delhi, India. He is also a Consultant at Xcode Lifesciences and Vela Diagnostics in Singapore.
Dr. Khan’s work at Apeejay Stya University involves, Pharmacogenomics study design, Diagnostics study, Cancer and Immunodiagnostics as well as Manuscript preparation. Dr. Khan draws on his expertise in the areas of Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cancer Research, Product Management Oncology and Science Research as a Specialty.
Dr. Khan held the position of an Assistant Professor at Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology from February 2017 to July 2018. The institute is located in a suburb of New Delhi Greater Noida, in India. He was also a Cancer Genetics Expert at Positive Bioscience based at Medanta Hospital, Consultant-Biology at an E learning company and Guest Faculty at Jamia Hamdard University.
Dr. Zeeshan Khan has managed multiple projects in the area of Personal/Cancer genomics and academically published Multiple Research papers in International Journals of Repute like PLOS ONE, Gene, Tumor Biology, International Journal of Oncology, Medical Oncology, BMC, Microbial Pathogenesis, Current Molecular Biology Reports and Asia Pacific Journal for Cancer Prevention.
Over a period of 5 years and 1 month from January 2013 to January 2018. Dr. Zeeshan Khan he was 'Reviewing and Editing for Cancer Related Journals, Medical Journals' for Springer Nature Journals.
From December 2014 to December 2016 Dr. Khan's expertise was applied by Positive Bioscience as a Full-time Cancer Geneticist, Counselor and Molecular Biologist concentrating in the areas of Cancer Genomics/Pharmacogenomics.
From October 2013 to November 2014 Dr. Khan held the position of a Consultant in Biology at iProf Learning Solutions in the Greater Noida Area in India.
Dr. Khan received his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Cancer Genetics in 2014 from Jamia Hamdard University in India. His work was based on the ' Molecular Analysis of some important gene in Indian Female Breast Cancer Cases.'
In 2009 he also received his Masters degree (M.Sc.) in Biotechnology from the same university. Zeeshan Khan's 'dissertation (project) work on the recent technology called HPTLC (High performance thin layer chromatography) for the QUALITY CONTROL of Medicinal Plants which are commercially used.'
From January 2006 to March 2007, Zeeshan Khan held the volunteer position of Joint Secretary of Bioscience Subject Association at the Jamia Millia Islamia - Department of Bioscience.
More can be found about Dr. Zeeshan Khan on his LinkedIn profile.
Dr. Zeeshan Khan is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of University settings. In addition, he has executed administrative and teaching responsibilities at several levels in Research Institutes and University systems. At least some of these interests will echo with those of some Board Members of the LSINJ.
Zeeshan has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include cross-cultural leadership which echoes with an institute such as the LSINJ. This is due to our institute, by definition not only having an international membership, but one that is globally located.
Dr. Zeeshan Khan joins the Board of the LSINJ as a Board Member. We look forward to an active, productive and enduring collaboration in raising the contributions of the LSINJ to the Public Interest in an upward inflection.
Detailed Biosketch/BioPic: to be updated.
Shin Mukai, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President integrating biology/immunology and synthetic organic chemistry targeting areas of Oncology/Cancer research.
Interests: Oncology/Cancer research, tumor heterogeneity, Single-cell transcriptomics, single-cell proteomics, protein phosphorylation; design, synthesis and biological characterization of biologically active compounds; chronic graft-versus-host disease; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; macrophage activation/heterogeneity.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and/or Group Leader: (i) Group Leader of group on Oncology/Cancer research, tumor heterogeneity, Single-cell transcriptomics, single-cell proteomics, chronic graft-versus-host disease; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; macrophage activation/heterogeneity consisting of VP/Dr. Zeeshan Khan, VP/Dr. Collin C. White and VP/Dr. Osama Youssef ; (ii) Co- group Leaders: Vice President Dr. Shin Mukai and as Vice President and Co - Group Leader Deepak Bhatia for Nuclear Chemistry; (iii) Group member: VP Shin Mukai along with, VP Ralph Sherman, VP Deepak Bhatia, VP Collin C. White in Group led by VP Collin C. White on Imaging, Cytometry and Analytical Biochemistry in the fields of Toxicology, Pharmacology, Immunology or Cancer Research.
Affiliation(s): Current: Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School (2018 – present); Chief Scientific Officer of a Recognized with award winning and funded Oncology Pharmaceutical Corporation in Boston, MA (2021 – present); Past: Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan (2014 - 2018); The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (2007 – 2013); Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (1999 - 2005).
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +1-617-283-3945
Email: ;
Websites: ;
Educational Institutions:
(1) Doctoral (Ph.D.) degree, Awarding University and Dissertation: The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (2007 – 2012);
(2) Master’s (M.Sc.) degree, Awarding University & Thesis: Kyoto University, Japan (2003 – 2005);
(3) Bachelor’s (B. Sc.) degree, Awarding University: Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (1999 - 2003).
Dr. Shin Mukai is a chemical biologist/immunologist who can straddle the boundary between synthetic organic chemistry and biology/immunology. Since January 2021, Dr. Mukai has Co-Founded and served as the Chief Scientific Officer, of an Oncology Pharmaceutical Enterprise in Boston, MA, USA. He communicates his scientific mission as that of 'Chemical biologist/Entrepreneur bridging the gap between synthetic organic chemistry and biology.' His expertise in Bio-Organic Chemistry study has focused on protein phosphorylation, and engagement in the design, synthesis and biological characterization of stable analogues of phosphohisditine. He has opened up a new window for the treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease, which is a refractory complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. In November 2018, Dr. Shin Mukai joined Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School as a postdoctoral research fellow, where he is working on macrophage activation/heterogeneity by single-cell mRNA sequencing etc.
Dr. Shin Mukai’s contributions to and the recognition of the Oncology Pharmaceutical Enterprise that he co-founded is accessible through this link:
Greater Boston Contact info
For their contributions, Dr. Shin Mukai and the Pharmaceutical Company that he co-founded, were recognized as 'Winner(s) of the The Center for Advancing Innovation (CAI) start-up challenge 2020-2021.'
The CAI award notice and Dr. Shin Mukai's acknowledgements follow:
Although, apparently or implicitly, more limited in dimensions of overlap, scope, rate, extent, segmentation of fields and overview of development, Dr. Shin's biotech enterprise shares some overlapping segments with the preemption of genetic disease lesions by the Combinatorial Approach of the LSINJ. The LSINJ approach requires significantly greater scientific and societal integration and scope than a Biotech or Gene Therapy enterprise. It has emerged only after 40 years of gestational work that has led to the integration of a vast literature spanning 100 years of a multitude of fields.
However, the enterprise of Dr. Shin and his associates do seem to share some elements of the Combinatorial Approach of the LSINJ. Namely in melding together the Life, Physical and Computational Sciences (and Mathematics) in addressing necessary intractable or mega-scale undertakings.
In this respect we share our most fundamental scientific and societal orientations and so they fit more completely into a vital underpinning of the LSINJ, which is diversity.
Furthermore, Dr. Shin Mukai has applied scientific concepts and technologies on the bench, while teaching courses in the classroom which overlap with experiences of several Board Members of the LSINJ.
Since 2003 Dr. Shin Mukai has worked on cutting edge research as part of frontline research teams in Japan, Australia and the United States.
From 2014 to 2018, Dr. Shin held the position of a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and an Editor at Keio University School of Medicine, in Japan.
From 2011 to 2013, Shin Mukai was an Instructor of an Undergraduate Chemistry Lab at the University of Western Australia, in Perth, Australia. From 2007 to 2012, Shin Mukai had several extracurricular accomplishments. Including chemical synthesis and running a Marathon.
From 2007 to 2012, Shin Mukai completed work for his dissertation and was awarded the doctorate (PhD) degree from the University of Western Australia, in Perth, Australia. His dissertation was based on work on 'the design and synthesis of phosphohistidine analogues with the ultimate goal of producing generic anti-phosphohistidine antibodies.'
From 2003 to 2005, Shin Mukai, completed work for his Thesis and was awarded the Master’s (M.Sc.) degree, Awarding University and Thesis: Kyoto University, Japan (2003 - 2005). His project for the Master's degree in Bio-Organic Chemistry was creating a selective drug delivery system with the use of stem-and-loop structured DNA. His thesis included work 'towards creating a selective drug delivery system with the use of stem-and-loop structured DNA. His Master's research involved (1) multi-step organic synthesis, (2) solid-phase DNA synthesis and (3) nitrobenzene photochemistry.'
For some of the many dimensions of Dr. Mukai’s contributions, it is most reasonable to refer to the extract of relevant segments on LinkedIn. A quick look at the awards, comments and recommendations by Mukai Shin's colleagues, peers and mentors on LinkedIn reveals much about him and his contributions. To appreciate the magnitude of his contributions, scientific and interpersonal approach it is necessary to quote Dr. Shin Mukai as well as placing them in context lent by his colleagues and his own responses to ripostes:
Dr. Shin Mukai is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care in an array of Medical School, Life Sciences and University settings. In addition, he has executed administrative and teaching responsibilities at several levels in leading Research Institutes and University systems. At least some of these interests will echo with those of some Board Members of the LSINJ. His experience in Science, Research Concepts and Technologies, Management, Editing, Publishing and Teaching is irreplaceable for an institution such as the LSINJ. Especially since it's BM of hope someday to house their own research facilities and teams.
Dr. Shin Mukai has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include his wide ranging cross- disciplinary as well as cross-cultural leadership in multiple and diverse institutions. Which together echo with the membership of an institute such as the LSINJ. The LSINJ by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally located. Board Members of the LSINJ anticipate, that with Dr. Shin Mukai they will follow the inspirational examples of Scientists at the Pinnacle of Science who are sketched on the Landing Page of the LSINJ. We look forward to making mutually engaging, productive and enduring contributions to the Common Good in Scientific and Societal enterprise.
Detailed Information Link: to be updated
Lucy Muñiz, M.D.
(Former Board Member as of 08.11.2019)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President for Marketing and Communications Co-Chief Marketing Officer (CMaO); CPSE – USA (Chief of Public Science Education in the USA); Co-Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World – South America & Argentina; Co-Group Leader on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World – South America & Argentina; Co - Group Leader on Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World – Argentina & South America.
Interests: Marketing, Medicine; Neuroscience; BioInformatics; Policy Issues while Sociopolitics.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Co-Group of Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO, Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D., Asmaa Rabit, MD and Lucy Muñiz, M.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Nigeria, Argentina – Asia, South America, Africa, North America); Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals as CPSE – DS (Chief of Public Science Education in Developing Societies, Africa, Nigeria, Morocco and Argentina); Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies of Africa with Asmaa Rabit, MD) goals in meeting Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations of Africa (based in U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Nigeria, Argentina – Asia, South America, Africa, North America).
Affiliation(s): Owner/Editor of The Pharmaceutical Marketing Group (TPMG); Pharma Marketing Group on LinkedIn representing PharmaMKT; University of Buenos Aires (Emeritus).
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: + (Mobile)
Websites: ;
Biosketch: Dr. Lucy Muñiz currently is the Owner/Editor of The Pharmaceutical Marketing Group (TPMG). As the largest and first Pharma Marketing Group on LinkedIn representing PharmaMKT the marketing agency that Lucy leads, advises several prominent pharmaceutical corporations on "brand strategy, content marketing, social media marketing in pharmaceuticals and healthcare."
Dr. Lucia Muñiz is a Physician who earned her (medical) Medica degree in the field of Medicina in 1994 at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lucy Muñiz currently resides in Buenos Aires and commutes to New York City on a monthly basis. Dr. Lucy Muñiz has delivered lectured in Neuroscience and BioInformatics at the University of Buenos Aires. However, Dr. Lucia Muñiz had diversified her professional background into Policy Issues while making sociopolitical and other contributions that complement her background in Medicine. Lucy holds several Masters degrees that were earned in 2002 and 2008.
A complete profile for Dr. Lucy Muñiz as well as PharmaMKT can be accessed via her LinkedIn profile:;
The Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey expects to be enriched by this wide range of experience of Dr. Lucy Muñiz. This experience spans scientific, medical, cultural, social, public relations and administrative domains. In particular the vast experience that Lucy brings from the field of community relations would be an immense asset to the LSINJ in communicating its core message to Global Scientists and Citizen-Scientists. This effort would complement the roles played by Board Members, CEO Liz Parrish and Prof. Nirmali Wijegoonawardana among others. All of which is essential to the contributions of the LSINJ as well as its survival as a credible Private Foundation for 'Preempting Genetic Diseases and Birth Defects.'
We anticipate that Dr. Lucia Muñiz will play a prominent role in directing the LSINJ in meeting its core research and societal goals. Furthermore, in her roles as Vice President for Science – South America and CPL (Chief of Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies in South America), Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies in South America in collaboration with CEO Liz Parrish, Dr. Asmaa Rabit and Dr. Kholis Audah as well as personnel with similar international backgrounds in developing nations will be in a good position to coordinate the socioeconomic, civic and educational goals of the LSINJ in meeting the Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations.
Detailed Information Link: (Scroll down to the profile: (LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Moyosola Otusanya, M.Sc.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director of Liaison with International Health and Medical Societies in Africa
Interests: Molecular and cellular biology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Epigenetics and stem cells
Member of Working Group in LSINJ: 1st Working Group: Working Group on Protein, Expression, Protein Chemistry, Structural Biology and Viral vectors consisting of George Perry Ph.D., Kholis Audah Ph.D., Dickson Musa Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth PhD, Moyosola Otusanya MSc, Bradley Droessler, BS, Ralph Sherman, B.S., Moyosola Otusanya M.Sc.; 2nd Working Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies (Africa, Nigeria); Co-Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison consisting of George Perry Ph.D., Kholis Audah Ph.D., Dickson Musa, Ferez S. Nallaseth Ph.D., Moyosola Otusanya M.Sc., Bradley Droessler, B.S., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Lucy Muñiz, M.D., Liz Parrish, CEO, John Catanzaro Ph.D., Tony Lai M.D., M.B.B.S., F.A.C.O.G., Asmaa Rabit; 3rd working group: Member of Group for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Dr. Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, M.D., Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO, Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. and Asmaa Rabit, D.G.M.&D.); 4th Working Group: (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Morocco and Nigeria); Coordination of Ancillary LSINJ goals as CPSE – DS (Chief of Public Science Education in Developing Societies, Africa, Nigeria & Morocco); Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies of Africa with Dickson Musa Ph.D. and Asmaa Rabit, M.D.) for goals in meeting Pharmaceutical, Educational and Health needs of Developing Nations of Africa (based in Morocco and Nigeria).
Affiliation(s): Senior Scientific Officer at Ogun State Hospital in Nigeria; Administrative & Public Health responsibilities for WHO as well as for Ogun State in Nigeria
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Numbers: +2347036006357; +2348027271479
Biosketch: Moyosola Otusanya is a Senior Scientific Officer and is on the Management Board at Ogun State Hospital in Nigeria. As a Senior Scientist in Nigeria Mr. Otusanya is responsible for “Inspecting hospital premises and privately owned laboratory establishments to ensure standard and compliance with established procedures. Drug revolving fund (DRF) costing of drugs being dispatched to the hospitals and inventory collection of drugs.” Mr. Otusanya executes a range of clinical analyses including in microbiological, virology, immunology and toxicology assays of an assortment of vaccines, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, addictive’s, food and other samples.
He has also served as a Monitor in National/State Malaria Elimination Program(s) at Ogun State in Nigeria.
In addition, Sr. Scientist Otusanya has executed administrative responsibilities at several levels. First of all as a Monitor for the World Health Organization (WHO) 'Served as an in-process and end-process independent Monitoring Officer for Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG), Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV), Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DPT), Hepatitis B, Measles, Yellow fever and Vitamin A in most Local Governments in the Ogun State.' Mr. Otusanya has also served as a Monitor for Ogun State and Regional Health Agencies in Nigeria.
Throughout his career Moyosola has been an avid Football/Soccer Player and also helped to organize the game in Nigeria.
Perhaps what is most striking about Moyosola is his positive 'can-do' outlook best communicated by these quotes on his profile on LinkedIn. After gaining his Masters in Biochemistry Moyosola stated 'it makes me crave for more biochemical work.' Asked about himself by LinkedIn his response was 'all diseases and sicknesses are curable.'
Moyosola Otusanya's complete profile can be found on LinkedIn:
Senior Scientist Moyosola Otusanya has a broad spectrum of experience in science and health services as well as through his administrative experiences at the university, state, national and international contexts of Nigeria and the WHO. We look forward to the many contributions of Moyosola to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey. These contributions will emerge in both foreseeable and tangible as well as in intangible ways of cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ. Particularly since the LSINJ by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally situated.
Detailed Information Link: (Scroll down to the profile: (LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
George Perry, Ph.D.
(Former Board Member as of 09.29.2020)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President for Executive Decisions; Group Leader – Group of Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems; Co-Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the USA; Co-Group Leader on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the USA; Co-Group Leader on Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ
Interests: Areas of Specialization: Alzheimer's disease; Neurobiology; Oxidative stress:
Dr. Perry’s studies are focused on the mechanism of formation and physiological consequences of the cytopathology of Alzheimer disease. The lab has shown that oxidative damage is the initial cytopathology in Alzheimer disease. They are working to determine the sequence of events leading to neuronal oxidative damage and the source of the increased oxygen radicals. Current studies focus on the:
role of redox active metals in mediating prooxidant and antioxidant properties
mechanism of phosphorylation control of oxidative damage to neurofilament proteins
mass spectrometry analysis of protein metal binding and crosslinking
4. Click here for a list of publications.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Group Leader – Group of Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems; Co-Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the USA; Co-Group Leader on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the USA; Co-Group Leader on Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ; Group of Developmental Biology; Member – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology);
Affiliations: Professor, Semmes Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Neurobiology, UTSA – The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Brain Health Consortium ; UTSA Neurosciences Institute; Dean, Emeritus, College of Arts and Sciences, UTSA, San Antonio, TX
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: (210) 458-8660;
Websites:;;Lab website
Biosketch: Prof. George Perry was awarded his doctorate (Ph.D.) in Marine Biology by the renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego CA and a B.A. in Zoology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. Professor Perry currently holds the Semmes Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Neurobiology and is the Dean, Emeritus, College of Arts and Sciences, UTSA. Prof. Perry has held highly productive positions at marquee Research Institutes and Universities across the United States including at, Baylor College of Medicine (BCM); Stanford University; Allan Hancock College; Marine Biological Laboratory; University of California Santa Barbara UCSB; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Case Western Reserve University, CWRU. These positions have resulted in an enormous volume of contributions totaling 1136 publication(s) (access Prof. Perry’s list of publications here ). However the roles that Prof. Perry has played over decades go far beyond this productivity in the scientific literature and extend into leadership positions in education, biotechnological, pharmaceutical and medical industries, research communities, editorial positions and society at large. Beyond which he has strongly promoted counter-exclusionary editing (amounting to censorship) and strongly advocated for the unbiased review of papers and scientific literature ( ). This advocacy is consistent with First Amendment protections of the Constitution of the United States which necessarily also applies to scientific publications. Prof. Perry’s scientific studies are focused on the mechanism(s) of formation and physiological consequences of the cytopathology of Alzheimer disease. The lab of George Perry has shown that oxidative damage is the initial cytopathology in Alzheimer disease. They are working to determine the sequence of events leading to neuronal oxidative damage and the source of the increased oxygen radicals. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated as byproducts of and respiration in mitochondrial electron transport as well as in general metabolism and toxic agents in the environment. Distinct species of ROS are catabolized and eliminated enzymatically. However, those ROS that escape catabolism can oxidize proteins and nucleic acids consequently inducing genetic lesions (mutations). These lesions are repaired or preempted by various mechanisms e.g. those coping with DNA repair, replication and recombination. Thus Prof. Perry’s lab interest directly dove tails with the core mission of the LSINJ. Furthermore, Prof. Perry holds various positions in the LSINJ as Vice President (Executive Decisions) and Group Leader or Member (of multiple groups), as well as having affiliations in academia and industry. This puts Prof. Perry in the excellent positions of promoting and driving the scientific, educational, medical, pharmaceutical and societal objectives of the LSINJ at home and abroad.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Elizabeth Parrish, M.B.A. , B.S. (in progress); Assoc. of Science (A.S.)
Position and Role in LSINJ: VP for Biotech, Corporate & Civic Outreach & Public Relations
Interests: Aging, Cellular & Genetic Degeneration; Telomeres; RNA technology
Member of Working Groups in LSINJ and Group Leader: Multiple Working Groups :Co-Group Leader: CCO (Chief Communications Officer); Chief Marketing Officer (CMaO); CPSE – USA (Chief of Public Science Education in the USA); Co-Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World; Co-Group Leader on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World; Co - Group Leader on Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing WorldFirst working group: for pharmaceutical liaison consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO (Co-Group Leader George Perry, PhD, Kholis Audah, PhD and Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO) International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka); Second working group: comprising of Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. and Liz Parrish developing communications, podcasts, Historical Archives of LSINJ and Global Biomedical Research); Third Working Group: directing Public Science Education as it relates to Pharmaceuticals and Mutagenesis with George Perry, Ph.D., Dr. Alex Diaz, Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D.). With Liz Parrish as CPSE – USA, with Kholis Audah, Ph.D. as CPSE – DS and George Perry, Ph.D. contributing as co-leaders.
Affiliations: Chief Marketing Officer and Media Officer at RNAx Ltd.; Founder and CEO of BioViva, LLC; Founder of BioTrove Investments LLC and the BioTrove Podcasts, found at iTunes; Founding Member of International Longevity Alliance (ILA); Founding Member of the American Longevity Alliance (ALA)CCO, CMaO, CPSE – USA of LSINJ; Buckinghamshire New University and Magna Carte College in Oxford, awarded Strategic Management and Leadership Diploma (combined for award of International MBA, 2018 - 2021); University of Washington, Seattle (BS, in progress); Seattle Central Community, WA, awarded Associates of Science with Honors;
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Websites:; (Company Website); (Company Website)
Biosketch: Liz Parrish is the Founder and CEO of BioViva Sciences USA Inc. BioViva is committed to extending healthy lifespans using gene therapy. Liz is known as "the woman who wants to genetically engineer you," she is a humanitarian, entrepreneur and innovator and a leading voice for genetic cures. As a strong proponent of progress and education for the advancement of gene therapy, she serves as a motivational speaker to the public at large for the life sciences. She is actively involved in international educational media outreach and is a founding member of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA). She is the founder of BioTrove Investments LLC and the BioTrove Podcasts, found at iTunes, which is committed to offering a meaningful way for people to learn about current technologies. She is also a founding member of the American Longevity Alliance (ALA) a 501(c) (3) nonprofit trade association that brings together individuals, companies, and organizations who work in advancing the emerging field of cellular & regenerative medicine with the aim to get governments to consider aging a disease. CEO and CMO Liz Parrish has the diversity, depth, scope of relevant experience required for contributing to these early formative days of the LSINJ. It includes financial, media communications to bring corporate exposure in the public domain, as well as in civic and educational activities. In addition Liz is well versed in cutting edge scientific issues as well as with the Biotechnology Industry. Both of which are crucially dependent on interactions and organization of scientific research with cutting edge Scientists. We anticipate that CEO/CMO Liz Parrish will make large contributions to the work of the LSINJ in her various positions as CCO (Chief Communications Officer); Chief Marketing Officer (CMaO); CPSE – USA (Chief of Public Science Education in the USA); Co-Group Leader on Educational Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World; Co-Group Leader on Medical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World; Co- Group Leader on Pharmaceutical Outreach of the LSINJ in the Developing World.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
John Torday, Ph.D.
(On Sabbatical as of 5.12.2019)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President for Scientific Research decisions; Co - Group Leader of First working group: Group on Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine; Co-Group Leader of First working sub- group: Sub-group on Evolutionary Medicine; Co-Goup Leader of Developmental Biology and Genetics; Second working group: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis; Group of Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems; Co-Group Leader: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology)
Interests: Central Theory of Biology; mechanisms in Development and in Evolutionary Medicine; sexual dimorphism of the response of the lung to glucocorticoid treatment; fetal physiology and mechanisms determining pattern formation; Neutral Lipid Trafficking. Serial developmental and phylogenetic cell-cell interactions wrt homeostatic control of alveolar physiology; Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein; endothermy and homeothermy, the thyroid, externalization of the testes, and even the nature of consciousness as the endogenization of the external environment.
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: First working group: Group on Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine (John Torday, Ph.D., George Perry, Ph.D.; Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG and Liz Parrish); Co-Group Leader of First working sub- group: Sub-group on Evolutionary Medicine (John Torday, Ph.D., George Perry, Ph.D.; Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG and Liz Parrish, CEO; Kholis Audah, Ph.D.); Second working group: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis John Torday, Ph.D. & Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and George Perry, Ph.D. and Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG (Co-Group Leaders: John Torday, Ph.D. and Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D.); Group of Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems; Member Co-Group Leader of Group of Developmental Biology; Member – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology), Co-Group Leaders: George Perry, Ph.D., John Torday, Ph.D. & Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. ).
Affiliations (Past & Present): Professor in Residence at UCLA (present); Professor, University of Maryland; Assistant Professor at Harvard University.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: john.torday (Skype); ; (Blog)
Biosketch: Prof. John Torday did his graduate and post-graduate work at some of the leading Universities in education, research and science. John has himself continued this tradition in leading universities as a Bench or Research Scientist, Professor, Educator and Public figure for more than 50 years. Prof. John Torday was awarded his doctorate (Ph.D.) and Masters (M.Sc.) at McGill University in 1971 and 1974 and held a Postdoctoral Fellow’s position at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1968. Prof. Torday has held highly productive faculty positions at marquee Research Institutes and Universities across North America which led to his ascent up the academic ladder to its pinnacle. These positions included as, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Physiology at Harvard University in Pediatrics & Physiology from 1961 to 1968, as a Professor of Pediatrics and Ob-Gyn at the University of Maryland from 1991 to 1998 and finally as a Professor of Pediatrics, Ob-Gyn and Evolutionary Medicine at UCLA from 1991 to 1999. He has been continuously funded from 1998 to the present posting. These positions have resulted in a large volume of contributions totaling 190 publication(s), 3 monographs and 1 Professional Lecture series.
Prof. Torday initially studied fetal physiology and mechanisms determining pattern formation through the effects of glucocorticoids on lung development by exploiting the biology of lung surfactant as cell-cell interactions. Subsequently, he studied the sexual dimorphism of the response of the lung to glucocorticoid treatment, leading to further insights to the mechanism of glucocorticoid action on the lung. This pursuit led John to the seminal discovery of Neutral Lipid Trafficking. Serial developmental and phylogenetic cell-cell interactions involved in that process gave fundamental insight to the homeostatic control of alveolar physiology. With the elucidation of the underlying cellular-molecular mechanisms, this process now explains many aspects of lung alveolar structure and function that were previously untenable. The implication of Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein in this process led to fundamental insights to the evolution of the lung, exploiting the cell-cell interactions to reverse-engineer the lung all the way back to its unicellular origins as cholesterol insertion in the cell membrane. Because of the commonalities between the lung and other tissues and organs at the cellular/molecular level, the lung evolution scenario led to insights into the evolution of vertebrate physiology in general. With such knowledge of the ‘history’ of vertebrate evolution, narrated from its beginnings for the first time instead of ‘reasoning after the fact’ has afforded elucidation of such physiologic traits as endothermy and homeothermy, the thyroid, externalization of the testes, and even the nature of consciousness as the endogenization of the external environment. Because of the predictive value of this model of vertebrate evolution, a Central Theory of Biology was developed for the first time.
Prof. Torday holds various positions in the LSINJ as Vice President (Scientific Decisions) and Group Leader or Member (of multiple groups), as well as having affiliations in academia and industry. With his background particularly in ontogeny of mechanisms in Development and in Evolutionary Medicine Prof. John Torday is expected to play a central and role in propelling the LSINJ forward in its core mission (sketched on this Landing Page).
Although John has taken a leave of absence from the LSINJ which is akin to a sabbatical we look forward to his many contributions as well as working actively with him on his return to the LSINJ.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Jose Thekkiniath, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice – President of LSINJ for Microbiology, Parasitology and Drug Development: Co- Group Leader - Microbiology and molecular biology, Drug discovery, efflux pumps, infectious diseases, diagnosis of vector borne infectious diseases; histochemistry, cytochemistry and cell & tissue biology
Interests: Microbiology and molecular biology, Drug discovery, efflux pumps, infectious diseases, diagnosis of vector borne infectious diseases
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Group Leader for Group of Microbiology and molecular biology, Drug discovery, efflux pumps, infectious diseases, diagnosis of vector borne infectious diseases; Co-Group Leader with VP Ralph Sherman, B.S.: in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Co-Group Leader for Group of Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): Senior Scientist at Fuller Laboratories in California (2019 – present); Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale School of Medicine (2013 - 2019 ); Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Massachusetts Medical School ( ); Editor at Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica (2015 – present); reviewer at: PLoS One, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal of Fungi, Pathogens, Antibiotics, Infection and Drug Resistance, Clinical Interventions in Aging and Current Microbiology (2015 - present); Texas Tech University (2006 – 2013); the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi, India (2001 – 2004)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 806-5437690
Dr. Jose Thekkiniath has been appointed to the position of a Senior Scientist at the Fuller Laboratories in California since October 2019 when he initiated his work. He is currently working on developing novel diagnostic tests for vector-borne infectious diseases. Dr. Thekkiniath has more than 13 years of experience in basic life sciences research with major focus on microbiology, immunology and molecular biology. Dr. Thekkiniath is a highly talented scientist with a strong record of accomplishments in studies of pathogens that affect plants, animals and humans. He is well established in microbiological research, having completed several independent research projects while being included in collaborations.
Dr.Thekkiniath earned his PhD from Texas Tech University (TTU) in 2013 in Biological Sciences. Jose's research has spanned stress responses of pathogens infecting organisms across the evolutionary spectrum. As a Graduate student at TTU, Dr. Thekkiniath taught microbiology involving both lecture and laboratory classes while also training several undergraduate researchers in the laboratory from 2006 to 2013 - a period of 7 years. Dr. Thekkiniath has been awarded the prestigious ICAR (Indian Council for Agricultural Research) Junior Research Fellowship for Masters (M.Sc) program in Microbiology at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi, India (a leading national institute for agricultural research, education and extension) where he worked from 2001 to 2004.
After leaving Texas Tech, Dr. Thekkiniath joined Yale School of Medicine and University of Massachusetts Medical School for his Postdoctoral research work where he worked on numerous projects including the mechanisms of pathogenesis and immunity in several organisms including parasites of humans such as the agent of babesiosis and malaria (protozoan parasites that live in red blood cells) and has been contributed to developing anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic therapies. Much of Jose's work as well as his contributions at Yale and UMass Medical School can be accessed through this link:
Dr. Thekkiniath has been demonstrated a track record of scientific success (publications, book chapters, patents, grants and awards). He has been an active member of American Society for Microbiology (ASM) (2006- present) while being awarded travel grants for making presentations of his research at the ASM annual meetings. He has been a member of American Association for the Advancement of Science (2007-present) and an associate member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (2011-present). Dr. Thekkiniath has been an invited speaker for International Babesiosis meeting in 2018 and 2019. Dr. Thekkiniath has also been Editor for the journal, Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica (an international, journal publishing articles in the areas of histochemistry, cytochemistry and cell & tissue biology) since 2015. Additionally, he has been a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals including PLoS One, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal of Fungi, Pathogens, Antibiotics, Infection and Drug Resistance, Clinical Interventions in Aging and Current Microbiology.
Jose is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care. In addition, he has executed administrative responsibilities at multiple levels in the University system while working on areas with significance for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Dr. Thekkiniath has wide ranging administrative and research experience in science, teaching and health services. He has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey. Both in tangible as well as in intangible ways of cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ.
Detailed Biosketch: (to be updated – scroll down: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Kim Van Vliet, Ph.D.
(Former Board Member as of 11.01.2019)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Director of LSINJ undertakings requiring Protein, Expression, Protein Chemistry, Structural Biology and Viral vectors
Interests: Proteomics, Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography; Protein, Expression, Protein Chemistry, Structural Biology and Viral vectors
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: (A) Group Leader: Working Group on Protein, Expression, Protein Chemistry, Structural Biology and Viral vectors consisting of George Perry Ph.D., Kholis Audah Ph.D., Dickson Musa Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth PhD, Moyosola Otusanya MSc, Bradley Droessler, BS, Ralph Sherman, B.S. (B) Group for Pharmaceutical Liaison; Co - Group Leader for Pharmaceutical consisting of George Perry Ph.D., Kholis Audah Ph.D., Dickson Musa, Ferez S. Nallaseth Ph.D., Moyosola Otusanya M.Sc., Bradley Droessler, B.S., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Lucy Muñiz, M.D., Liz Parrish, CEO, John Catanzaro Ph.D., Tony Lai M.D., M.B.B.S., F.A.C.O.G.
Affiliation(s): Assistant Scientist, University of Florida in Gainesville
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 352-281-4240 (Mobile)
Websites: ;
Detailed Information Link: (To be Listed in the Biopic link at the bottom of the page)
Biosketch: Dr. Kim Van Vliet is a Biochemist on the Faculty of the University of Florida (UFL) in Gainesville specializing in Protein, Expression, Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology. Dr. Vliet has concentrated on the biology of viral particles, namely binding, replication and encapsidation of the viral particles (AAV and Poxvirus). Kim has concentrated on their application as vectors for delivering genes.
Dr. Kim Van Vliet earned her doctorate (PhD) at the University of Florida in 2007 in the fields of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology. After progressing through a Postdoctoral Fellowship at UFL from 2007 – 2011 she was promoted to her current rank of Assistant Scientist. Kim also earned a Master of (MS) degree at the Department of Biology and the Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton from 1998 - 2001. Kim was among the most helpful, committed, informed and interesting conversationalists in subjects both in and peripheral to science. Kim maintained what amounted to a residence in the lab at FAU. We can find more about Dr. Kim Van Vliet on her LinkedIn profile:
Dr. Van Vliet's interests in Proteomics, Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography complements those of several other Board Members of the LSINJ so raising the possibility of productive collaborations. Kim's expertise with Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, the biology of viral particles and holds much promise for the elevation of the depth of analyses represented by either distinct or confluent fields of research of BM of the LSINJ. Board Members of the LSINJ look forward to productive interactions with Dr. Kim Van Vliet.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Rebecca Xu, Diploma for Allied Health & Biomedical Sciences (2022)
(Graduated from the LSINJ as of 8.31.2020)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Intern and Student Observer of the Proceedings of the Board of the LSINJ; Lead for Student Affairs
Interests: 'Interactions between the azathioprine drug and variants in the NUDT15 protein' ; 'The Orchid Organization is a community-based organization led by students whose purpose is to raise awareness about personal health and wellness; Intern at Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School in Newark, NJ; SMART Program at NJ Medical School, and taking a Rutgers gene sequencing course (WISE); published a scientific article on the Helyx Initiative blog, and founded a Helyx Initiative Central Jersey chapter
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Group Member: Evolutionary Genetics of Speciation inducing dysfunctional regulation of Chromosome and Genome Biology; Structure/function and expression of RNA & Proteins from heterologous hosts; Virology and Microbiology (Microbial - Evolution, Ecology, Genetics); Molecular Genetics
Affiliation(s) and Positions: Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health Biomedical Sciences in Edison, NJ (2018 – 2022, expected Diploma); Founder and President of Orchid Organization, Student led Community Health Organization (2019 – present); Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School in Newark, NJ (2019 - 2020);
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: -
Websites: (1); (2);(3)
Educational Institutions, Degrees: Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health Biomedical Sciences in Edison, NJ (2018 – 2020); Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School in Newark, NJ (2019 - 2020); Co – Founder/Vice President, The Orchid Organization, Student led Community Health Organization (2019 – present);
Biosketch: Ms Xu is currently graduating from Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health Biomedical Sciences in Edison, NJ, where she has trained from 2018 to 2020. She has also trained as an Intern at Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School in Newark, NJ.
Rebecca has recently been promoted to Founder/Vice President of The Orchid Organization. As she states 'The Orchid Organization is a community-based organization led by students whose purpose is to raise awareness about personal health and wellness.' She has co-Founded and has been working at the Orchid Organization since 2019.
Ms Xu is already an accomplished Scientist. To quote Rebecca ' the work on the interactions between the azathioprine drug and variants in the NUDT15 protein' has been presented in conferences and won awards.
For the ‘NUDT15 research we used datasets, DNA sequencing, and protein analysis tools to achieve significant findings despite our situation. Once quarantine is lifted, I may be able to use school laboratory equipment and I can actively pursue laboratories nearby.'
A relevant extract of Ms Rebecca Xu's Profile on LinkedIn states: 'My experience includes a research project on a potential drug interaction between NUDT15 mutated variants and the azathioprine drug (this won the 2020 International Youth Research Seminar), attending the SMART Program at NJ Medical School, and taking a Rutgers gene sequencing course (WISE). I have published a scientific article on the Helyx Initiative blog, and founded a Helyx Initiative Central Jersey chapter.'
Ms Xu also works as a Student Volunteer at the Rutgers University School of Pharmacy. Her mentor is 'Dr. Dayuan Gao who is a pediatrician and I volunteered at her clinic (as she does not have a laboratory). For the research, due to quarantine, my team of three including me only had access to resources online. (I do have lots of experience with lab techniques from classes such as AP Biology, Honors Chemistry with Lab, Medical Interventions, and Principles of Biomedical Sciences - the last two being Rutgers courses.'
To quote Rebecca 'I took preliminary physical measurements such as blood pressure, vision, height, and weight; charted HPI and CC; labelled samples and filled forms for LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics; extracted urine samples; observed blood work; trained new volunteers; and cleaned rooms and took out trash.'
Finally not satisfied with all these contributions to the Public Interest, Rebecca Xu worked at St. Joseph's Seniors Home as a Director of Special Projects stating ' I come up with special projects for the residents, and carry through with them. I also interact with and entertain the residents.'
Ms. Mercedes Padilla - Register, MA, SMART Program Administrator at the New Jersey Medical School and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is a Supervisor of Ms. Rebecca Xu. She has authorized the LSINJ to extend, and Rebecca Xu to take the position of Student Observer/Intern on the Board.
For those Board Members of the LSINJ who also work as Faculty Members, Professors and Deans at Universities around the world, Ms. Rebecca Xu's work ethic, drive, interest in Science as well as in the well-being of her community will echo in many familiar ways.
Rebecca has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey in both tangible as well as intangible ways. These include bringing the fresh perspectives of an accomplished student, and moreover the first student who will be contributing to the development of the institute.
Detailed Information Link: (To Be Updated)
Poorna C.R. Yalagala, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice-President of LSINJ operations in Lipid Biochemistry and Food Product development
Interests: Lipidomics, Nutrition Nutraceuticals, Genomics, Food Science and Nutrition, Lipid technology and Biochemistry, Nanotechnology; Cardiovascular Diseases and Neurological Disorders
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Co-Group of Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): University of Illinois, Chicago (2016 – 2018); CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, India (2009 – 2016); Ponniah Ramajayam College at Bharathidasan University, India (2002 to 2004); Bapatla College of Arts and Sciences (1998 to 2001)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: 8134097152 (Mobile)
Websites: ;
Biosketch: Dr. Yalagala is a Postdoctoral Fellow and worked in Lipid Biochemistry at the University of Illinois in Chicago from 2016 to 2018. He is specialized in genomics, lipidomics and the fields of nutrition nutraceuticals. All with the objectives of preventing cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders. Dr. Yalagala has more than 12 years of experience in Food Science and Nutrition, Lipid technology and Biochemistry, Nanotechnology.
Dr. Yalagala's expertise is focused on nutraceutical rich products and their nutritional evaluation. He has developed more than 50 products in laboratory scale synthesis and published on them in reputed journals. Recently he had secured a US patent on the enhancement of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain which when administered increased their bioavailability. Poorna has also synthesize nutraceutical rich lipid-based compounds like LPC omega-3 fatty acids, which unlike free fatty acid forms, were efficiently incorporated into the brain. LPC omega-3 fatty acids also improved the spatial learning and memory in mice. This work has been published in Scientific Reports.
To quote Dr. Yalagala: 'I am also quite passionate about formulating nutraceutical rich products, which is not available in the international market (awarded by CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute, India). I am also well trained in nutrients evaluation, lipidomic analysis by HPLC, TLC and, a fatty acid composition by GCMS. These novel nutraceutical approaches may prevent cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders.'
Dr. Poorna Yalagala was awarded a doctorate degree (PhD) by the CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute for his work done in the field of Lipid Biochemistry from 2009 to 2016. Dr. Yalagala secured a graduate degree in Biotechnology, in the Field of Animal Biochemistry from the Ponniah Ramajayam College at Bharathidasan University, from 2002 to 2004. Dr. Yalagala secured his undergraduate (B.Sc.) Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry, Chemistry and Microbiology at the Bapatla College of Arts and Sciences, from 1998 to 2001.
Details of Dr. Yalagala's contributions can be found on his profiles at the University of Illinois in Chicago as well as on LinkedIn: ;
Poorna is experienced in promoting the Public Interest in Health care. In addition, he has executed administrative responsibilities at several levels in the University system while working on areas with significance for the Pharmaceutical Industry. At least some of these interests will echo with those of some Board Members of the LSINJ.
Dr. Yalagala has a wide ranging administrative and research experience in science, teaching and health services. He has much to contribute to the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey. Both in tangible as well as in intangible ways of cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ. The LSINJ by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally situated. The LSINJ welcomes Dr. Poorna C R Yalagala to the Board of the LSINJ and hopes to draw on his wide ranging experience in contributing to the Public Interest.
Detailed Biosketch (To Be Updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Osama Youssef, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President directing the collaborative interests of the LSINJ in Cancer, Immunotherapy, CAR-T & Relevant Technologies in Molecular Genetics
Interests: Immunotherapy, Brain Tumor, Non-coding RNA, CRISPR
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Co-Group Leader: Core Areas: Evolutionary Genetics of Speciation inducing dysfunctional regulation of Chromosome and Genome Biology; DNA recombination; DNA replication; Ancillary Areas: Neurophysiological and molecular basis of anoxia resistance; Structure/function and expression of RNA & Proteins from heterologous hosts; Overview in Life Sciences: Genetics (Somatic Cell, Mitochondrial, Yeast and Mouse (Epigenetics), Biochemistry and {Molecular, Stem/Cellular, Developmental, Cancer, Chromosome/Genome, Structural, Reproductive and Evolutionary (Speciation, Protein/Nucleotide Divergence)} Biology, Neurobiology, Virology and Microbiology (Microbial - Evolution, Ecology, Genetics).
Affiliation(s): Research Scientist and Director of Lab research at Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah.
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Detailed Information Link: (Listed by you In the Biosketch)
Biosketch: Dr. Youssef is a research scientist at the University of Utah. He received his Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Georgia. Dr. Youssef has a wide range of research experience in the life sciences field. During the course of his Ph.D., Dr. Youssef discovered the molecular mechanism of RNA/protein complexes required for ribosomal RNA processing and modification. At the University of Utah, He extensively studied the role of non-coding RNAs in activating the innate immune system during obesity. He also used CRISPR technology to study age-related macular generation at molecular and cellular levels in human. Currently, Dr. Youssef is using different strategies of immunotherapy to treat deadly human brain tumors in adults and children. Dr. Youssef has published multiple articles in high profile journals such as molecular cell, PNAS, and Genes & Development. Dr. Youssef also has two pending US patents.
Details of Dr. Youssef's scientific contributions can be found on his profiles at the on LinkedIn:
Detailed Biosketch (To Be Updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )