Board of Directors
Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Senior Vice President (SVP) and Chief Engineering Officer (CEnO); Oversees all Engineering Projects of LSINJ
Interests: Array of Construction Management, Financial and Engineering Projects (Listed In Biosketch)
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Engineering and Construction Ralph Sherman, B.S. and Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. (Group Leader)
Affiliation(s): External: Professor & Department Head, Syed M. Ahmed, PhD, Department of Building Construction Science in the College of Building and Construction Science in the College of Architecture, Art & Design at Mississippi State University (2023 - present); Head and Professor, Lohr College of Engineering. head of the Department of Construction and Operations Management, South Dakota State University (2021 - 2023); University; Chair (2012 – 2020) and Professor, College of Engineering and Technology, East Carolina State University, Greenville, NC, USA
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: (252) 328-6958
Websites: College of Engineering and Technology;;
Detailed Information Link: (link to this detailed information hosted on FSN Google Sites)
Biosketch: Dr. Syed M. Ahmed has contributed to Teaching and Research in the fields of Construction Management and Engineering for several decades from 1989 to his current appointment at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. In 1993 Dr. Ahmed was awarded a doctorate (Ph.D.) from the Department of Civil Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. A string of appointments and responsibilities followed at Global Universities, Research Centers and Industries. Dr. Ahmed has taught and applied innovative tools and techniques in teaching university courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. These include problem-based learning, case studies and encouraging students to learn to work together effectively in groups by assigning them group projects. Dr. Ahmed has published more than 47 publications in 13 areas of his field. He has been awarded multiple grants and either served as an Editor or Reviewer of 10 Journals in the Fields of Construction Management and Engineering. All the while shaping the Public Discourse in these Fields as well as in Global Society which is dependent on these fields in his capacities as Professor, Chair, Editor, and Advocate. In his position as CEnO (Chief Engineering Officer); in the LSINJ, we hope to draw on his vast experience to direct all Engineering Projects of the LSINJ.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Percy Ichchaporia, MS (Biotech), MS (Bioinformatics, Cellular & Molecular Biology)
Position and Role in LSINJ: Senior Lecturer, Research Scientist and Director of Bioinformatics and Computational Analyses, and Biotechnology
Interests: Biotechnology Professional assisting and supporting PhD’s in Agricultural science, Bio-tech research, Bio-processing, Bio-Informatics; Mycology and Plant Pathology; Bioinformatics in Cellular and Microbial Biology in Plants and Animals
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Co-Group Leader: Co-Group Leader for Pharmaceutical Liaison – Developing Societies; Co - Group Leader for Public Science Education in Developing Societies consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka).
Affiliation(s): IQVIA (Mumbai, India, branch) with Headquarters in Danbury CT & Durham, NC, USA; Deakin University, Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria, Australia; University of Mumbai (Bombay)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses:
Phone Number: +91 9819118629 (Mobile)
Websites: ; ;
Biotechnology and Clinical Research Professional Mr. Percy Ichchaporia has substantial educational and biomedical research roots on the subcontinent of India (and Asia) as well as the continents of North America and Australia. Since 2016, Mr. Icchaporia has been working as a Centralized Monitor (Clinical Analyst) with the IQVIA branch in Mumbai (Bombay) India. IQVIA is 'The Human Data Science Company (Hospital and Healthcare)' that is based in the United States at Danbury CT and Durham, NC. [One full term for IQVIA is: Intelligence or Information Quintilles VIA (transformative function)].
After January 2010 - Present, a period of 9 years and 9 months, Mr. Ichchaporia has also continued to maintain his scientific and academic connections with Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. His research includes Bioinformatics in Cellular and Microbial Biology in Plants and Animals.
From July 2010 - April 2016, Mr. Ichchaporia worked as an Independent Biotechnology Professional assisting and supporting PhD’s in Agricultural science, Bio-tech research, Bio-processing, Bio-Informatics in various areas. Percy’s basic education was completed at one of India's first Universities, the University of Mumbai (Bombay) which was established in 1857. Mr. Icchaporia graduated from the University of Mumbai, (1999 -2005), with a Master of Science degree (MS) and specialized in the areas of Mycology and Plant Pathology.
From 2008 - 2010 Percy proceeded to secure a Master of Biotechnology degree with Honors at Deakin University in Geelong Victoria, Australia. In the process of doing so, he assisted and supported doctoral scientists (PhD) in Agricultural science, Bio-tech research, Bio-processing, Bio-Informatics.
A more complete report on Biotechnology and clinical research Professional Mr. Percy Ichchaporia may be found on his LinkedIn profile:
Percy Ichchaporia has a broad spectrum of experience in the clinical, health and biotechnology fields. This includes bench work, scientific and administrative experience these industries. We expect him to contribute much both in tangible and in intangible ways of cross-cultural leadership in an institute such as the LSINJ. The LSINJ by definition not only has an international membership, but one that is globally situated. We look forward to working with Mr. Percy Ichchaporia.
Detailed Biosketch (to be updated): (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Ferez Soli Nallaseth, M.S., Ph.D.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Founding President, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), Chief Financial Office (CFO) & Principal Donor; Group Leader – Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis; Reproductive Biology; Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology); Focus on mouse Y chromosome biology; Co-Group Leader of Group on Developmental Biology and Reproductive Biology; Member of multiple groups projecting ancillary missions of the LSINJ.
Interests: Life Sciences: Core Areas: Evolutionary Genetics of Speciation inducing dysfunctional regulation of Chromosome and Genome Biology; DNA recombination; DNA replication; Sex Determination; Speciation; Ancillary Areas: Neurophysiological and molecular basis of anoxia resistance in turtle brains; Structure/function and expression of Proteins from heterologous hosts; Multi-cue induction of skin morphogenesis in vitro; Overview in Life Sciences: Genetics (Somatic Cell, Mitochondrial, Yeast and Mouse (Epigenetics), Biochemistry and {Molecular, Stem/Cellular, Developmental, Cancer, Chromosome/Genome, Structural, Reproductive (Sex Determination and Gametogenesis) and Evolutionary (Speciation, Protein/Nucleotide Divergence)} Biology, Neurobiology, Virology and Microbiology (Microbial - Evolution, Ecology, Genetics).
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: First working group: Group on Evolutionary Genetics, Reproductive Biology and Preemptive Medicine (John Torday, Ph.D., George Perry, Ph.D.; Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG and Liz Parrish); Second working group: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis John Torday, Ph.D. & Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D. and George Perry, Ph.D. and Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG (Co-Group Leaders: John Torday, Ph.D. and Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D.); Third working group: Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis; Reproductive Biology; for Neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology and Psychology, Thermodynamics of Neural Functions under Hypoxic Conditions, Stroke and Ischemia in Anoxia Tolerant Turtle brains, Mutational Basis of Brain Cancers and Neurodegenerative Diseases consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., MD, M.B.B.S., FACO, Adam Bogart, Ph.D., Ralph Sherman, B.S., Alex Diaz, Ph.D., and Ferez Nallaseth, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leaders – George Perry, Ph.D. and Adam Bogart, Ph.D.). Fourth working group: consisting of George Perry, Ph.D., Dr. Alex Diaz, Kholis Audah, Ph.D., Tony Lai, MD, M.B.B.S., FACOG, Hafiz S. Yahya, Ph.D., Ferez S. Nallaseth, Ph.D., Syed M. Ahmed, Ph.D. Liz Parrish, CEO/CMO and Nirmali Wijegoonawardana, Ph.D. (Co-Group Leader with others; International representation: U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Jamaica, India and Sri Lanka)
Affiliations: Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey, Belle Mead, NJ; Complex Biological Systems Alliance, (Boston, MA; inaugurated at Harvard University by Founding President Prof. Tom Chittenden, Ph.D.); Chamberlain College of Nursing, Chamberlain University, New Brunswick, NJ
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: (908) 431 5069 (LSINJ); (646) 283 5163 (M & WhatsApp); ferez.nallaseth (Skype); FerezNallaseth@LifeSciencesInstitute.Com
Websites: Scientific, Social, Squash and Professional Websites: ; C.V./selected abstracts and publications; Links to publications on PubMed; Citations on Google Scholar; Synopsis of contributions in the Life Sciences; Consolidated Citations - Ferez S. Nallaseth, M.S., PhD (PubMed, Google Scholar, Research Gate, LinkedIn, personal & SquashNexusWithNeurosciences websites) - FSN.10.22.2015.pdf; AAT.Profile1Link.FSN.9.22.2018.pdf; ConsolidatedPulsePostsLinkedIn.Ferez S.Nallaseth.6.19.2016.pdf; LSINJ - Consolidated Links to Websites.9.16.2018.pdf; Watson.RG.FSN.JW.SickleCA.1981_8.18.2014.pdf
Biosketch: Dr. Ferez Soli Nallaseth completed his educational studies in India and the United States. He was awarded, a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry (B.Sc.) from the University of Mumbai (Bombay) in 1975, India, a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology (B.S.) in 1977, and Master of Science degree in Microbiology (M.S.) in 1979 both from the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, in 1979. He was awarded a Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree in Biology (Genetics, Biochemistry) from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, in 1987. Ferez held a number of Postdoctoral Fellowship and Faculty positions across the United States in his core areas of research as well as in a broad subset of the Life Sciences. Dr. Nallaseth made some innovative and highly recognized contributions in scientific, societal, sports, civic and cultural areas. Dr. Nallaseth collaborates with international Scientists, Professors and Leaders at Universities, Global Think Tanks, Biotechnology Enterprises and Research Institutions in an array of sub-fields of the Life and Social Sciences in meeting the current challenges in Healthcare and Socioeconomics through the restructured LSINJ first established in 2004. These challenges are met by restructuring of the fundamental paradigm in Medicine, from therapeutic intervention via management to preemption in real time, of thousands of genetic disease lesions. Including those for which preemption is the only ‘real cure’ and cause such intractable pathological conditions as Cancer(s) and Alzheimer’s disease. This strategy emerged from Dr. Nallaseth’s current Core Area of Research in Mammalian Evolutionary Genetics of Speciation, regulation of Chromosome and Genome Biology (specifically DNA replication and recombination), Sex Determination and Gametogenesis. Contributions emerging from a 40 year journey by Dr. Nallaseth, made under extreme sociopolitical and non-scientific duress, have resulted in more than 200 online articles, ebook chapters, including in peer reviewed journals, conference presentations, editorials and OpEd pieces - with another 30 articles and 5 books in preparation. Many of which have corrected the literature of multiple fields published in frontline journals while covering an array of subjects in the various fields of sciences, sociopolitics, socioeconomics, sports and policy. His core work has now developed ramifications for Global Biomedical, Health and Economic Policies through the application of this approach. The magnitude of Global interest in this undertaking of the LSINJ is illustrated with the search term ‘What is the Life Sciences Institute of NJ’ yielding up to 236 million ‘hits’ on a Google Search (1) Is There a Role for an Evolutionary Genetics Based Rational Health Policy In Global Biomedical, Health and Economic Policies? Nallaseth. J. Mol Biol OMICS . v3 :, ( (2)
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )
Ralph Sherman, B.S.
Position and Role in LSINJ: Vice President & Chief of Biophysics Operations; Chief of Technology Transfer Operations; Chief of Electronics Operations; Chief of Biophysics Technology Transfer - Central Nervous System (EEG) Thermodynamics; Group Leader in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Member Group on Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems
Interests: Specialties: Areas of research experience, PHARMACEUTICAL R&D; Pharmacokinetics; Excipient Biophysics; Microbial Adjuvants; MEDICAL ELECTRONICS; Clinical Engineering; Electroencephalography; Electro-oculography; Electrical Impedence; Pulsed EM fields; Sensory-Motor Cybernetics; MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY; Neuroendocrineology; Intermediate Metabolism; Network Thermodynamics; Sensory Integration Organismic Sets; Measurement Theory; Group of Evolutionary Genetics, Quantum Mechanics as a Basis for Evolution and Medical Therapies; Group of Developmental Biology; Group on Sex Determination and Gametogenesis, Reproductive Biology’ Evolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Chromosome (Genome Biology);
Member of Working Group in LSINJ and Group Leader: Working groups formed to adapt to and address the scientific and technical requirements of each of the core and ancillary areas of the LSINJ. Roles of Ralph Sherman as (Chief of Biophysics Operations); Chief of Technology Transfer Operations; Chief of Electronics Operations; Chief of Biophysics Technology Transfer - Central Nervous System (EEG) Thermodynamics; Group Leader in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations; Member of the Group on Neurosciences, Neuropathology, Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Experimental Psychology, Anoxia Tolerance, Thermodynamic States of Hypoxic Neurophysiological Systems
Affiliations (Past & Present): Sherman Laboratory, Detroit MI, (Bacterial Vaccines 1907-1950) ; J. M. Richards Laboratory, Grosse Point Park, MI; Biophysics Carpenter Chemical Company, Detroit MI; Beverage Additive Medical Instrumentation Systems, Grosse Point Park, MI; Clinical Engineering Interdisciplinary Technologies, Imperial Beach, CA; Pulsed EM Fields in Chemotherapy in Chemotherapy; Variously served as Chairman, President, Director, Research Director and currently as Executor of the Intellectual Property of IDTech.
Executor, Interdisciplinary Technologies, Inc. (2004 – Present)
Administrator, Saint Francis of Assisi Ecumenical Retreat (2002 – present)
Chairman, Interdisciplinary Technologies, Inc., (1987 – 2004)
Owner, J. M. Richards Laboratory, Inc. (1958 – 1973)
Owner, Carpenter Chemical Company (1969 – 1972)
Sergeant, US Army Chemical Warfare Service (1944 – 1945)
Contact Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses: 541-572-2112 (Home);
Professional experience;;
Biosketch: Ralph Sherman probably has far greater experience derived of more fields of Biological and Physical Sciences from both industrial and research laboratories than any other Board Member of the LSINJ. Furthermore he has established and administered multiple industrial enterprises and companies. His experience directly relevant to the core goals of the LSINJ include Pharmaceutical Research and Development; Excipient Biophysics; Medical Electronics; Electrical Impedence; Pulsed EM fields; Sensory-Motor Cybernetics; Mathematical Biology; Intermediate Metabolism; Network Thermodynamics; and Sensory Integration Organismic Sets and Measurement Theory. Ralph Sherman was awarded his Bachelors of Science in Engineering - Physics by the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, MI. He specialized in the Fields of Biophysics and Spectroscopy – which are currently a focus of Live Cell Imaging and the Optical revolution in the Life Sciences. Ralph has also carried out prior studies in chemistry and microbiology at the Detroit College of Pharmacy, a year of basic science and math at Kenyon College, Ohio. He also underwent special training in Chemical Munitions in the Chemical Warfare Service, US Army. Sargent Ralph Sherman plays multiple roles in the LSINJ including as Chief of Biophysics Operations, Chief of Technology Transfer Operations, Chief of Electronics Operations, Chief of Biophysics Technology Transfer - Central Nervous System (EEG) Thermodynamics, Group Leader in Groups on Biophysics, Electronics and Technology Transfer Operations. We anticipate that Ralph Sherman will enable us to bridge the technical and conceptual chasms existing between the necessary electronics, biophysical, electronic systems and their applications in the core as well as ancillary areas of activities of the LSINJ. We also anticipate that his experience in the activities of St. Francis of Assisi Ecumenical Retreat will advise any of the Civic, Educational and Health outreach activities of the LSINJ at home and abroad.
Detailed Biosketch: (Scroll down to the profile: LSINJ.Detailed BioPic.10.30.18.pdf )